Weird histamine reaction

I don't have any allergies.

Last night I picked some mint from the garden. When I came in, I had a weird sensation like when your hands have got very cold and are just warming up. Aching and itchy. Like chilblains though it was not that cold. I decided after a while to put my hands under a warm tap to see if that would help. Drying them off I noticed all the fingers and parts of the palm were blotchy red. The itchy /warm up feeling was because the blood vessels in my fingers were at work big time. Fingers swelling and blotchy weirdness. Took the wedding ring off before it was too late to get it sorted and it just got more and more unbearable.

After a while I felt like I needed to scratch them but I couldn't get tot he source of the itch. It was like they were itching from within.  Really nerve jinglingly MEGA itchy. I took an antihistamine and after an hour it calmed down. Clearly an allergic reaction but I have never had this before. Creeped me out.

Anyone recognise this voodoo?


Doubt it's the mint unless someone else might have sprayed it with something without your knowledge?

What did you do outside when picking the mint / inside or outside 30 mins either side of that?

Are you currently wearing-in a new pair of light brown leather driving gloves?



They're hives.

A while back I went for a run during hayfever season and scraped through some leaves/branches on the way. When I got back the same thing happened. If you itch them they can get worse rapidly. Mine proceeded to full body hives and I had to go for an emergency GP appointment for a shot of steroids. Sympathies old chap, hives are not fun

I am trying to get my son (18) and me to drink less alcohol. For him it's a moment's focus for A levels. I found an empty bottle of Jack Daniels in his bag and while he's old enough to buy it he has been overdoing it lately and needs to do less and concentrate more. For me it's improving sleep, doing less booze for health and weight reasons, and concentrating more at work. So it's virgin mojitos and shots of pressed ginger all round (which they say has an effect on the palate which is closest to alcohol and triggers similar endorphines).  Clearly the mint picking has done for me and God is saying have a large whisky. However, has anyone else got a recommendation of a good non-alcoholic drink that isn't sweet or too fruit-salad like?

I also split a hay bale and shook some hay out with both hands in the corner of the field with the ewes in it. Not my ewes but I told the neighbour I'd put some feed out.

I never get hay reaction and didn't wheeze or cough. I think it was the mint.

I have an epi pen on stand by in case I ever get a really serious attack from an angry bee hive, but in all my time I've only been stung once and not very well. I will find that and have it ready in case this happens again.

You are having a reaction to the spermicidal lubricant on your neighbour's condoms of choice. Confront your neighbour and demand to know the brand and ask for the box. From this you can ascertain the irritant ingredient and take medical advice accordingly to alleviate the reaction.

Lime and soda is terribly dull, I find. Ginger beer is nice but very heavy on the sugar. I need something to take the place of gin, whisky, beer etc. Dry complex flavours. I have not tried those new distilled non alcoholic botanical numbers. Are they gash?

They weren't nettle stings and it was mint. There was no pain or sharp tingle. The itch could not be localised to a specific point like where a nettle fibre had pierced. There were no residual white patches. Just big blobs of red and nerve jangling urg-ahhh-ness.

It is.  But somewhere else does a good - and much cheaper - version. 


You can get some cheapo stuff from Sainsbury's, but you need to put juniper berries in it and leave it for a couple of weeks before it tastes of anything.

Have you said something nasty about Dux recently?

Was there a discarded perfume box nearby?

It's almost certainly Russian spies perpetrating chemical warfare against you.

seedlip doesnt have juniper in it.

tonic water and bitters

grapefruit juice watered down w soda

virgin mary

mutters there is an otc cream, canesten with hydrocortisone (v v weak) and anti fungal which should get rid immediately if this should happen again ( and also works for athletes foot!).

it doesn't need anti fungal or hydro cortisone. It's a histamine reaction which subsided and has left nothing. 

A doctor friend of mine tells me it is "cold urticaria" (wtaf?) and googling that suggests it was a very good shout from docfriendbastard.

Cold urticaria: "Cold urticaria is caused by exposure to cold. The cold stimulus causes the activation of mast cells and the subsequent release of histamine, and other inflammatory mediators".

and so it goes on.

alarmingly it talks of underlying health issues which cause it. fook that. let's move on.



since we are on the subject and Minkie is giving good advice, why does my right big toenail hurt so much?  I literally cannot think of a reason and so don't know what to do to make not hurt anymore.