Weekend Plans

Anyone doing anything?  I'm off to London for what is looking more and more like a last hurrah.

1. Gym

2. 6N viewing

3. Chinese

4. Gym

5. House stuff. We are changing the spare room so there’s a sofabed instead so need to get the mahoosive double ready for selling 


I'm using the impending lockdown as an excuse to go on another book-buying binge, even though I have not yet made it through the books I bought for the first lockdown.

Date night in tonight. Thinking of some things I can cook that involve some effort as I like the process of making dinner. 

tomorrow friends art opening at a gallery. 

Sunday brunch with neighbours outside and then a walk with a mate i haven’t seen for ages in the afternoon 

Je suis partake avec un Goose un petit peu de "frollage" in mein Hauptenhoff
Und auf wieder ich will ein bischen tisch tennis gplayen 

Ránhòu hái yǒu yīxiē Xbox 

Doing CCB mainly! Haven't seen him for weeks...

Probably eat lots of food and watch films and snuggle a lot. Can't wait!

P.s. This is permitted snuggling as we are officially a bubble.

  • Lifting the weekend by its back legs and bossing it relentlessly.
  • It'll cry out in terror, begging for the bossing to end.
  • I'll get right up in its grille and whisper.
  • "No".
  • The bossing will continue.

We have two friends coming over for a Halloween party in the garden and we are all dressing up and going to eat chili and toast marshmallows over the firepit.

i have gone a bit mad on decorating the kitchen with tat (including a banner that says ‘drink up witches’) and pumpkin carving today

i have so many lights for the garden that planes might land

Heading from tier 2 into tier 1 for a piss up with my mate. Have to fooking clue whether or not that is illegal but I literally could not give a shiny shite at this point!

Been in London today with the children, got. Fleeced at urban outfitters, met a friend for 🍺 at a friendly pub

On the bike tomorrow, may bore you with pictures then meeting an ex for early supper

Sunday ride and chill