Unpopular opinion alert

Due to the French trying to treat us like a defeated enemy during the brexit deal negotiations, we should not donate a single penny of UK money to the restoration of this catholic icon.

Sounds sensible. It might have been pretty but, let's face it, it's a monument to tyranny, anti-intellectualism and countless forms of abuse, fraud and superstition. In years gone by its users would have doubled down on last night's events by cheerfully lobbing their opponents into the flames. It should be left as is as a symbol to human progress with memorial inside to those who have suffered at the hands of the Church -a modern counter to the memorial to Christian extremists at the Collosseum in Rome. 

"we should not donate a single penny of UK money"

If the state gives them a penny I will revolt. 

If stupid people want to give money to the Cafolic Church, well that is up them, but I personally try not to fund peado rings. 

I think it's wrong to characterise this as a Catholic loss! It's a western European and human loss. Just as the destruction of relics by the Taliban wasn't just a Zoroastrian loss 

People can donate it they want I don't think there's any suggestion the UK government was planning to.

Its not really comparable to the destruction of relics by the Taliban. 

1. Its a building that can be rebuilt, the relics and statures were obliterated. 

2. It was not deliberate destruction. 


It should be restored and people free to give money on a humanitarian basis. 


If you're talking about it not being important as it's a cathedral for another Christian denomination, whatever happened to turning the other cheek?

At least no one here has yet done the "yeah but the French had an empire so fook THEM" currently doing the rounds on twitter.

Everyone who takes this line should just swim into the sea.

tbh notre dame was quite crap as cathedrals go.  I'd still advocate rebuilding (at france's expense obv).  dont put the totally not the crown of thorns back tho.

"catholic icon"

Perhaps the Church of England could donate some of the (by now) billions it pilfered from the Catholic Church at the Reformation? Reparations.