Tucker Carlson - make it make sense

What’s his current angle? The Putin interview was cringe but in line with his (Republican, Trumpist) leanings. But I’ve just watched his interview with Father Dr. Munther Ishaq (pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem) where he criticizes the US foreign policy and in particular the Christian political leaders for their complicity in silence on what’s happening in Gaza.


Is this just the stopped clock/blind squirrel theory in play?

his business model is to get views/clicks so viewing it through a purely US republican base lens is probably not helping, it's more of a commercial thing 

remember he was sending texts during the last US elections saying "we're close to being able to ignore Trump, I can't wait" and "I hate him passionately"

I would guess more people will click to see someone basing US foreign policy than a bland defence of Netenyahu's tantrum and desperate attempt to hold onto power 

Possibly Sumo but that doesn’t fit well with what we see from other successful platforms (that cover the spectrum of political views). The recipe seems to be that you have to have a loyal follower ship who demand hearing only what supports their pre-existing beliefs 

I would guess the narrative there is something along the lines of "biden administration is bad"

I agree it is a bit off message for what you would expect, but maybe the analysis his team do of the viewership shows a shift and they are aiming at a slightly different audience to the old fox news audience

pure guess on my part 

It’s not obvious is it? You’re probably right - it’s potentially trying to position himself as something different to Fox rather than going head to head with them. Seems like a particularly difficult time in US politics to find and exploit any more moderate seam

Hmm. Tucker is a big fan of Putin and some say he is a puppet of the Russian dictator. Kompromat? 

Putin, due to his reliance on Iranian kit and because he is a villain, is on the side of Hamas in the Gaza conflict.

Putin definitely wants Trump back in office so he gets his win in Ukraine.

Tucker wants Trump back in office, despite hating him. 

It's a real noodle scratcher why Tucker is taking this position. 

It’s a reasonable guess.  Still requires you to accept the massive inconsistency that Sumo noted re: TC’s previous statements about Trump. But wouldn’t be the first time that someone in American politics has acted in a manner diametrically opposed to previous categoric statements

If you accept that most of politics and political comentators are basically grifters trying to whip the stupid up into buying whatever they are selling (advetising, energy drinks, trump branded bibles) then it would kind of make sense that Carlson does all this stuff without really believing any of it

a sort weird grifter's parody of the taxi rank rule if you like

Why expect him to have any sort of consistent approach to anything? 

I didn’t necessarily. I was more curious about what others thought his motivation was for the position taken in this particular interview

I think it appears to be a part of an anti semitic operation that includes Ukraine.  When you pair it up with Margarine Gang Greene from yesterday where she said the Ukrainian government is targeting Christians specifically, implying that it is a Jewish conspiracy as Zelenskyy is ... not a christian.

This is a Russian operation and Tucker is doing his part. 

This is a Russian operation and Tucker is doing his part. 

Quite possibly but the Christian members of congress as well as Biden’s Cabinet are providing the ammunition (both figuratively and literally) so let’s not forget that.