Traumatico Consulting Ltd

I have decided to become a consultant. so many people are consultants, why can I not join them

want advice? you came to the right man

business advice and other advice can be purchased here


the first 15 minutes are free of charge as a promotion


go ahead: ask!


It's a triviality. Won't come in till next year, you can structure your work patterns to avoid it and there are still benefits of not being actually PAYE that make it worthwhile to not go on payroll. So the IT consultants keep telling me.

Dear Traumatico,


I need to stop being a chubster, but I love mini eggs, coke, and crisps so much that I can't stop eating them. Any advice gratefully received


Chubby Phoebe

I'll start.  With a Part J transfer is the transferor likely to be able to defend the transfer if he can show the route is needed by him for a different service>

Phoebe C - forgive me for providing somewhat generic advice but you should replace those sweets with vegetables and nuts. pecan nuts and walnuts are your friend, and they are for sure as hell tasty.

Doggers - more detail please, also, we do not provide legal advice or any advice which can be verified as to its merits

OK. I also recommend the coke with the green label, with stevia.

all this advice comes free of charge, mind! once you start paying my advice will blow your mind