The Tramp witnesses

I've seen a few famous people in London over the years and I can tell you where I saw most of them but would struggle to tell you which year it was if I had to.  I guess that if I did some research I could give you a shortlist of possible dates for the time Neil Jenkins the rugby player nearly spilled my pint as it was after and England v Wales game at Twickenham and I think Wales had lost but can't remember who he was with.  I can remember the time I saw Prince Andrew as he was opening the firm's new office so could work that out to tell you which year it was and possibly even find a report with the date.

Hence I'm rather sceptical about these people swearing that they saw Prince Andrew in Tramp on the specific night in question.  You'd certainly remember seeing him in Tramp but I doubt many people could be certain of the date and the identity of who he was dancing with other than it was probably a woman.  Have I just got a crap memory?

Diaries and journals I reckon.

If you kept a diary or a journal you might make another of seeing a royal in a nightclub.

I certainly recall seeing a lot of Prince Andrew in those years. He was always eating in Nobu at one of the larger tables, usually in a ratio of two men to 5 women. And they were always young women.

I find it odd that Popbitch has been going on about Handy Andy and his habits for a LONG time and yet everyone is all so surprised that this has finally imploded like this. What sort of advisors did he have around him to let it get to this point? He's a really stupid idiot.

I reckon it is because Andrew was the least cool of an uncool bunch. He was an object of ridicule, but not so much as to make him news.

I think if it hadn't have been Epstein, with his connection to Trump and Clinton, and post #metoo, no one would have cared for bothered to look into it.

I agree, Supes. And I reckon there's more to be uncovered. It's like lifting up rocks in a garden and seeing all the insects scurrying away. There are more rocks.

Even if Andrew has/had great advisors he appears to have a combination of entitlement/arrogance and low IQ that I think he would assume he knew better. As demonstrated by that ridiculously bad interview.

Supes I guess there are possibly people on the party circuit who keep some kind of journal in case they ever fancy writing a memoirs or the like.  However, I'd expect them produce their contemporaneous notes in court and not just say they can remember it vividly for some reason.

Your issue seems to be the matching of vivid memories with the dates.

I think if you saw a royal behaving badly you would remember it, if you were into that sort of society gossip. All you need to confirm the date would be the words "Saw Andrew being creepy" under a particular dated entry.

Not sure that really proves the apparently certain identifying on the lady he was with as Virginia Roberts.  These people are providing definite dates and also an id for who he was with.

There is no denying that there are people in this world, especially London, who feed off of this kind of gossip.

It is also undeniable that there are people who live very organised lives, with well kept diaries and planners.

I have no reason to doubt there there is overlap between these two groups.