The Torygraph/Spectator

Will they now just merge with the IEA?

Legal Alien07 Jun 23 15:00

Trophy assets. Will be snapped up.


probably, plenty of conservatives with cash looking for such and asset

Putin, the Saudis, Prigozhin?

is there any chance the Telegraph will return to being a newspaper instead of billious mind poison for old absolute khunts?

Actually this makes me wonder if its sharp rightward turn into fooking insanity has been motivated by its financial position - trying to get the nutter clicks 

No, no, no New Chimp both printframes turn a healthy profit and the millions upon millions of unserviced debts are just an accountancy booboo. This is the work of the lefty Lloyds elitist blob.

Currently Torygraph headlines. That paper has totally lost the plot:

“Oxfam has unwittingly exposed the folly of trans extremism”

“The arrogant left are triumphant and think they have a mandate to destroy Britain”

“We are dangerously close to nuclear war”