A thread on which to post something

You did for the first time today


I made an apple tart tatin. Never felt the urge before but we are so oversupplied with apples I am trying everything. 


Done most things before…i did spend an unnecessarily long time playing on my XBox. But then I’ve also done laundry and cooking and I don’t have children so there’s no one wanting excessive amounts of attention from me, so maybe it wasn’t unnecessarily long. 

The tarte tatin looks delicious. Swap you a slice for a portion of root vegetable gratin in a homemade béchamel sauce and with a crispy breadcrumbed topping?

I watched a TV program about tartes tatin this morning. It was Raymond Blanc and another man who sounded like Raymond Blanc. The pastry was folded over the apples in a small frying pan like tucking in a bedsheet, baked, then taken out turned upside down and left for half an hour to get more chewy. I also went to Barker and Stonehouse to try out sofas. 

There was a very simple roast chicken with the gratin. Pretty yummy. Carcass stripped and stock being made in the slow cooker. Leftovers will be dinner tomorrow and probably the day after. 

sieteocho24 Sep 23 21:23



I watched a TV program about tartes tatin this morning. It was Raymond Blanc and another man who sounded like Raymond Blanc. The pastry was folded over the apples in a small frying pan like tucking in a bedsheet, baked, then taken out turned upside down and left for half an hour to get more chewy. I also went to Barker and Stonehouse to try out sofas. 


clearly Monsieur Blanc et l’autre were calling me from the fourth dimension 

Did you use an ordinary frying pan, Mutters?

I used to make a beautiful banana version but Mrs P made me get rid of my cast iron pan which was ideal for it.

so i've just done something for the first time. I've eaten a ginger snap.  It's not a biscuit that we buy, and we never had them at home.  I frickin' love them.  This is a game changer (when the game was "don't really like that many biscuits").

For the first time ever yesterday I downloaded the audi app for my car purely to reinstate the stanav connection which had expired because the 3 year warranty ran out. It took about 2 hours, 2 diff apps, as it turned out, lots of money and a great deal of swearing. Never again.

Discovered a half peanut shell on the balcony from my (first floor) home office. I have no idea how it got there - presumably a passing bird. 

sadly this is the only new thing I have done today. I must correct that. 

My contribution today is that yesterday I walked from Lyme Regis to Bridport. It’s a push with three significant hills. Was quite tired. 
today I visited the Weald and Downland museum - been past it a million times (it is between Goodwood and West Dean houses) and got to poke my head into The Repair Shop. YES

There is a diversion between Lyme and Charmouth as the cliff has collapsed so you have to do a detour out of Lyme and a hike round the golf course and town, adding a few kms. Reckon I did 16k and some stiff walks up those shitting hills. 

Fence painting is a pain. 

there are too many faces to paint. Seems simple; is

a cock ache. 

having done it a bit i now have it definitely on my list of things to pay others to do. 

I've never painted my own fence. The trick is to convince some local teenage loser to do it in exchange for martial arts training so they can defeat their bully and get the girl. 

Thing is Mutters, I'm selling the place. So while I've been careful to avoid splashes, there are bits behind bushes that the future owner will discover if they ever pull the bush out. I might make a handover list with the paint type and colour.