The Texas Shooting

Have they discerned a motive yet?  He appears not to have left a long rambling explanation.

It really doesn't matter.  America has priced in mass shootings as part of the cost of gun ownership just as we've done with the harmful consequences of cars and drink.  There was a spate of terrorist attacks involving vehicles being driven into pedestrians a couple years back - even if incidents like that happened in proportion to our population on a similar scale to US mass shootings, car ownership would never be banned.  Just as cars mean mobility and freedom for us, guns mean safety and security for millions of Americans.  

Are any stats available for the number of crimes that get stopped or deterred by gun owners, in the States or elsewhere?  Would the mainstream media publish these even if they were?  

I'm just intrigued as there is no obvious racial motivation given the shooter and his victims so looks like a nasty pure revenge for being bullied job.

I do believe we tightened up the rules on hiring vans after the terrorist attacks.