Target practice at pictures of Corbyn


it doesn't matter what you think of Corbyn this is absolutely disgraceful. 

Don't get your knickers in a twist 

The range is in the loft of New Kabul Compound in Afghanistan.

Soldiers practice 'guardian angel' drills here - protecting VIPs.

Just lol at the outrage.  This has happened for fooking ever.  Maggie, Kinnock, every bugger.  The handwringing just because some turnip put it into a shared media platform is typical of the ridiculousness of modern society.

just to clarify - May blamed MPs in her speech the other week that actually led to death threats to MPs and was rightly condemned, but it's okay for "trained soldiers" to  shoot at pictures of MPs for a laugh and that doesn't encourage or legitimise violence?


Sorry QE but it doesn’t encourage anyone if it’s done on the range and laughed about and left there.  The problem here is not that they were doing it but that someone shared it externally.  Knob.