Sport I have zero interest in watching on TV
  • Olympics - Too many cheats
  • International Football - England will never win anything as long as the FA pick the squad
  • Snooker - No characters
  • Darts - Not a sport
  • Tennis - Too elitist
  • Anything American (NFL, Baseball etc) Haven't got all day.


I will watch Cricket, Rugby, F1 and League Football. That's pretty much it.

Preface - I will watch almost any competitive sport on TV and find something to enjoy.


Olympics - I like the obscure sports like curling and sailing most. Overall it's a spectacle I enjoy but agree the cheating in the flagship events is shite.

International Football - I love this more than almost anything. I am even enjoying AFCON at the moment even though the standard is poor compared to the Euros. Women's international football is the pinnacle of sport at the moment.

Snooker - Ronnie crushing everyone still is hilarious.

Darts - Not my favourite to watch, but Luke LIttler is a good story.

Tennis - Has peaks and troughs and is currently in a trough.

American sports - NBA is ok, NFL is advertising with 30 seconds of sports interrupting now and then, baseball is soporific fun, Ice Hockey is great.

American sports are utterly tedious, and I say that as someone who can really enjoy a 5 day test ending in a draw.

The noise of F1 gets right on my nerves, it's like there's a mosquito in the room and you can't quite find it.

snooker is great on a Saturday afternoon when you're nursing a hangover and need a nap whilst appearing to be doing something.

Can't abide any of the american sports, 4+ hours of non stop advertising is too much.

I stopped watching F1 around the late 90s/early 00s when it became just too blatantly obvious how the "sport" was bent.  Still watch the odd qualifying sesh but in general F1 has very little appeal for me these days.  The cars are amazing technological achievements and the drivers probably the most skilled in motorsport (or at least I find it easier to relate to skill in going around a circuit than eg rallying) but it just doesn't engage me.  Soulless tracks in patland don't help either.  

The era of late Hendry/early O'Sullivan/peak Higgins/Williams probably saw professional snooker at its highest level (as reflected by prizes offered etc) but snooker still has some excellent players (Trump and Selby are both v good, albeit the latter isn't terribly watchable).  I just don't seem to have time to properly sit down and watch a session these days.