Small obsessions you have...

Me... using all the wax in a candle...

If it's a big candle, I dip a matchstick in the wax, press it upright into the candle and use it as a second wick to make sure the bits at the side burn...

If I end up with wax, I put in into another candles hot wax...


What is your small obsession?

I have so many obsessions :(

One that usually gets me dumped is that when I go big shopping for groceries i take a list.  I do not deviate from that list even if I see something and realize I need it.

I work on the basis that the quality of my day at work is related to the attractiveness of the people I see on the way to work.  Didn't see anyone particularly attractive this morning and my day is proving to be equally mediocre.

This is a rather pathetic tale.

I obsess over whether the tyres on our car need inflating. I never gave this issue a second thought until I started driving Young Gwenners to Wiltshire and Oxford for hospital appointments every week or so. My OH used to do 95% of the driving and all the tyre pressure checking but now he is too ill to do either.

My father indulges my obsession and has taught me to use a very convenient tyre inflation gadget that plugs into the cigarette lighter but I HAVE BROKEN THE CIGARETTE LIGHTER. Aagh! Off to grapple with the tyre thing at the garage (which no doubt I will mess up).

It’s past six on a Friday night a week before Easter.  You could post pics of your boobs and still wouldn’t get a reaction, everyone is off getting twotted 


DS I suppose you could use your cork collection to create some sort of 3D collage ...

So when you go up flights of stairs, you generally have a few steps then a newell post attached to the handrail, then a few steps and repeat ad nauseum.

The foot which has the instep facing the post always has to be on the step on which the post is placed. I will actively switch feet on the way up each time to achieve this. 

Which is fine because this is a totally normal thing to do