Scotland now

fucking ridiculous that these things aren’t allowed in england

tell you what

heres a radical idea

why don’t they just all restrictions stopping people going about their everyday business and stop purporting to reach the state into areas of family and private life where it has no business at all?

If the NHS melts down

well hell that’s the price of freedom

we’re already there

its fucking retarded

who honestly thought we would ever, for any reason whatsoever, tolerate the state telling us we couldn’t hug our family members if we don’t live with them? Nothing can justify that level of state intrusion, and the possibility of it ever happening again most be removed by constitutional reform.

agree, laz

it is completely and utterly insane

and there are still millions of people who are resisting even this level of relaxation

"what if there's a second wave!"

well, then you will feel better for having the comfort of your friends and family

My eternal optimism does lead me to wonder if this entire thing isn't God's way of being kind to us, letting us have a dry run before She unleashes something much more easily spreadable and with a much higher mortality rate.

I think schools should go back but I do understand her view that you are less likely to spread the epidemic with 2 families sitting in a garden together than by opening shopping malls and schools.  The English approach has no rhyme nor reason.

At least Boris is backing off from his ridiculous "we will be guided by the science but absolutely no earlier than this arbitrary date I decided months ahead of the fact with shitty models to guide me to that abritrary date" for things reopening.

End the lockdowns. June 1st. F*cking end them for the good of all things.

Does anyone know where the next London anti-lockdown protest will be? Asking for a multitude of friends.

It's a bit easier to trace:

Who have you been with?

a) my best mate, his wife and kid in his garden having a barbecue.

b) loads of people at the Trafford Centre.  Don't know really.

in England they are using personal computers

so it will be zero minutes before private embarrassing data gets out on someone

nobody with a sensitive job should be using the system

Guy, the malls opening is partly about jobs and the economy: two families sitting in a garden doesn't do much to help either.

But there again the Scots have one big advantage - if their economy tanks even further as a result, they can always just blame Westminster and a lot of their people just buy into that!

Realist, it does much to help well being which is just as important - not that it matters much because everyone is simply ignoring this rule

It is poor policy to allow far higher risk in the name of the dolla than in the name of family and social relationships and you will not take the public with you on that.

Don't agree. 

I think that the country is quite split on this whole issue (a bit like Brexit, but split on different lines); those who are relatively well buffered from lockdown economic effects and/or who are themselves potentially vulnerable and/or who may have had friends or family lost to vuvu may have one view while others who are in a mostly unaffected group whose social and economic lives and future prospects have been decimated by lockdown may hold a very different one.

I don't see how that counters what I have said Realist (although as an aside opinion polls suggest there is not much of a split, rof is entirely unrepresentative in this regard,  most people favour lockdown and the only disagreement is whether the government is coming out of it too fast or not)

That thinking could be changing very fast. Many were initially keen on lockdown as it came at little economic cost to them; the Gov were paying for a staycation by borrowing more or by printing more money. However, once the redundancies and business failures start hitting home and the inevitable big tax rises for many become a reality then public opinion will be taking a very different track against what may be perceived to be needless overcaution.