Salary for a MP - not a bad deal

Few gigs as stressfree as being a backbench MP in a safe seat.

Salary of £80k per year; set your own hours; employ wife / son / daughter of a local businessman; final salary pension; all manner of expenses. What do you actually need to do; go knocking on doors every 5 years asking people to vote and pretend to listen to their problems for 60 minutes once a month.

Do MPs living in London still get a housing allowance to allow them to buy a second home? 

I think you're forgetting the hundreds of lunatic e-mails you get every day from constituents ranging from sorting out Mrs. Miggins cat that wees it their garden through to death threats for not getting that tree by the B999999 trimmed.

Ridiculous.  Being an MP is a shit job and anyone who wants to do it for the money needs their mental health reviewed.  Which is partly why we get the wrong people as MPs.

I think it's a bit being like a teacher.  If you sweat the small stuff it's a crap job, but if you are good at ruthlessly prioritising and let the Mrs Miggins stuff float over you while you're bossing a few NEDs, it's probably a great job.

people go into it for the allure of power although they rarely realise that's the reason

what annoys me is how much better a deal it is for men than women

being a junior semi-sane Tory must be a waking nightmare

ditto Labour actually

MPs don't bother reading their emails. It will be Toby, who is on a gap year before he starts his degree in Land Management at Oxford Brookes, who will have to deal with the emails.