ROFing from the High Court

Tell you what, it's impressive isn't it?


Got a proper hearing with a proper judge and two QCs duking it out on both sides.  Phenomenal building - if as you say maybe a bit tatty in the upstairs courts.

I'm used to grubbing round the lower courts.  Beats Croydon Employment Tribunal!

I spent many "happy" [sic] hours there as a trainee, being passed from pillar to post dealing with some procedural rubbish, being turned away for only having papers in duplicate rather than triplicate, having the wrong stamp, or turning up at some office or other outside the core hours of 14.05 to 14.14. 

the Rolls Building is a travesty of public architecture. Even the entrance plays 2nd or 3rd fiddle to a the grander office entry and Pret

so humiliating to see the fall of the nation illustrated by the contrast between the RCJ and the Rolls Building

They are both poor architecture in very different ways - Rolls is just done on the extreme cheap, RCJ on the other hand has a harry potter theme park vibe that so many mid-late victorian buildings had after the simple clean grandeur of the Georgian and early Victorian era (now those guys knew how to design buildings) was lost.

Guy you're such an old stick-in-the-mud.  It's true the front of the RCJ is a bit silly but that's part of the fun.  It's no sillier than plenty of actual gothic buildings.  And the main hall (or whatever you call it) isn't fussy at all; it's a lovely simple space.