The real climate deniers

Are the ones that deny that climate change can't be stopped.


Everyone understands that the earth's climate has been changing in cycles as far back as science has allowed us to see. 130,000 years ago, the average temp on earther was six degrees higher than it is now, and yet people were happily walking around, not bothered. The global average is only one degree higher than it was just before the industrial revolution, so even human effect might have only been slight.


Activists are the new Canutes.

1 degree in 150 years is an enormous and unprecedented shift and it is fully caused by human activity. We are indeed far too late to stop (let alone reverse) this, but we can chose to let this shift grow to 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, or more in the next 150 years. 

Weatherwise, it doesn't matter much if it's 1 degree warmer or colder here (I'd be happy with winters being a few degrees warmer myself), but on a global scale a warming of (on average) 1 degree has massive implications. 

pure climate denial crap by OP again

I only wish we could act as decisively as we did in the 80s with CFCs.

In truth, I was a huge climate change denier for years.  I had many arguments with friends on the topic and when I reflected on my childhood, I realised that I didn't see frosty mornings like I used to when the frost was so thick it looked like it had snowed.  Summers were very warm but never over 30 degrees (1976 was the exception).

We have no written human history going back further than 6000 years and all evidence we have points to humans being nomadic hunter gatherers 130k years ago


So I don't know how you can assert "people were walking around not bothered " in the +6c world of then while staring it is in any way a like for like comparison for the advanced agricultural/industrial/commercial society we have now, even if we leave aside the question of whether that temp is correct for then (and I don't doubt there have been much warmer periods before and there have even been times where the world has been ice free at the poles).


I do think a new ice age (like the one we had relatively recently around 10k years ago - again largely undocumented how we got through that ) would be worse though 




The real climate deniers Are the ones that deny that climate change can't be stopped.

Human caused climate change =/= all climate change

Thanks for playing, here's your participation award: 🙄

Thing is if you had a full record you might even be able to do this but it's irrelevant


We have to deal with the situation as it is and based on how it's modelled to unfold . Don't really have the luxury of wait and see 

To paraphrase More or Less, there are actually no models that get anywhere near more than a few million climate refugees, even on a 3degrees warming…