Rate 2023 out of ten for you personally

Give reasons. 

About 5.5. Distinctly average year work wise and some personal disappointments as well. Plus some relatively minor health sh1t for me and more major  healthsh1t for someone I love. Not enough to make it a Bad Year so over 5 but distinctly lacking in active positives tbh 

8 :  upsides - big, successful garden refurb.  Front and back garden bulldozed and redesigned.  Very happy with the results.

Downsides - heart operation but that has also been successful.  Recovery was difficult.

maybe 6.5 

tough start to the year with father in law  palliative and then dying; mother in law didn’t cope well. all that took a toll on my wife, who needed a lot of support.

on the other hand an interesting couple of months work with (mainly) nice people somewhere I like and some good times with my family. and we have finally gotten around to having some work done at home which we had put off for ages.

On my list: new EV and log cabin. New bike being built. Can't say fairer. 

Work fine. 

No one I care about most is having a bad time or ill. 

8/10 or maybe 7/10 if no news is good news. 

Excellent. The older I get the happier I get. 2024 will be even better.

Reasons? I think it is probably internal brain chemicals/hormones - no teenage trauma, no periods any longer which stopped at 55 - so no PMT.  Children almost off my hands and everyone of them seems happy. The grandchildren stage is nice.


Perhaps most of all I am just about never ill  - to a ridiculous degree - may be one cold a year, one pain killer needed a year. Obviously this is very unlikely so probably years of awful illness must be due to me, but it seems a charmed life at present.

Yet another "worst year ever "

Although relatively free of dramatic events to cause said accolade . Just consistently meh throughout with no real redeeming features /everything felt flat at best 


Work shit, kicked out on settlement agreement after complaining , this was followed by an interminable wait for the actual ending which felt like purgatory by the end . New job secured soon afterwards.

Family stuff still pretty meh (no effort from Dad , mum very ill but still going but not really "there" any more )

Friend stuff still pretty meh (divorces, cliques, bitching)

Dating non existent and impossible as usual 

"Your job's a joke you're broke love life DOA" basically 



Deemus, that is very kind. I have a very nice group of close friends who unfortunately live quite far away but have been great. So I appreciate any extra conversation on here.

I have found much of it very hard so 5. Some great times tho with friends outside. Trying to work through which parts I have control over. Where I should fight back at life and where it’s time  to let go. 

Objectively an 8 or 9 so I’ll give it an 8.5

But as Clergham pointed out the other day, some of the fizz goes out of life in middle age

Time for a mistress and a sports car? 

Beloved dad died, awesome bro-in-law died, the Palestine conflict which has affected us as a family- all of it very challenging, but life is inherently good so a solid 9/10 instead of the usual 10/10. 


My mother, who is never ill, spent the first 6 months of the year in hospital. At times I thought she would never get out of there but thankfully she is now home and doing well. Mr G had two operations over the Summer, one of which was major surgery for cancer. He managed to develop sepsis somewhere along the way. His recovery was slow but his mobility now seems to be better than it has been for the last few years. And now Young G has to be readmitted to an eating disorder unit because she is really struggling. - and just in the run up to Christmas. 

So no one died but it has been a very worrisome year.

My young cousin took her life earlier in the year, daughter had a miscarriage and work was tough due to resignations & general pressure.  However my daughter's second child is growing well and should be due next May, she and her partner got engaged, wedding next year and work has improved dramatically in the last month or so.  All going well, 2024 could be a real life highpoint and start of a really happy period.  So what looked like a 3/10 has turned around to a 7/10. 

Having read this thread, I'm giving it a 7.5. As someone else said, it isn't 2020 or 2021 so immediately we're off to a good start. Work has got worse but from a high plateau that I knew wouldn't last but have very much enjoyed being on. Marriage up and down, tracking the wife's behaviour and moods, net up position compared to some previous years I think but far from ideal. Kids pretty good, which is more important and impactful all round. House move is on but not done yet, so nerves around that. Health mostly holding up despite the sleep deprivation from the kids, especially youngest unsurprisingly.

Solid 9

Everyone I care about is alive and healthy

still gainfully employed

No other great misfortune has materilised or is to my knowledge looming

Good year really, touch wood. 


Started badly (Dad died), tailed off in the middle (friends losing jobs) and the less said about the end the better (family business rapidly going down the swanny due to v poor decision making/inflation/interest rates).

Extremely thankful that my wife and kids (one who has just left home) are healthy, happy and supportive and that I have a secure and decent job.

5/10.  Work ok, some big stuff completed successfully but didn't love the projects themselves. Unremarkable year with limited career excitement. 

Have transitioned into caregiver for one (relatively young) parent, which is the toughest thing I've ever dealt with and will probably be the thing for which 2023 will be remembered.

I was going to say 5/10 but having read Gwen's post of what constitutes a 5/10, I think I will have to upgrade myself to a 6/10. 

Nothing totally catastrophic but work is busy but have minimal motivation for it, children are draining and Miller dog passed away in September. 

Hoping things might be a bit better in 2024 (and wishing the same for anyone else scoring 5 or lower on the thread)

On reflection I’ve had a 9. No huge dolla increment to report but we play the game. Some annoying age/sports-related niggles but they seem to be settling. Pull-ups off the charts but you knew that.