Productivity Apps

Imagine this is not necessarily a good place to post this (read that as you will) but any suggestions welcome


Currently enjoying: 

  • acuity scheduling
  • calendly
  • doodle
  • and similar webscrapers
  • day by day
  • Gdrive generally
  • evernote (still getting to grips with this)
  • Ideas Tracker

I work by a series of coloured post it notes stuck on the wall of my room. 


And the occasional “note” made on my hand if  I’m on my feet in court and no post it to hand. 



onedrive for business.  everything i need, everywhere.

plus a magic app that means I can drill into the financial performance / KPIs of any of our companies on my ipad

Evernote just for storing stuff (scans, notes, ideas) - it used to be a lot simpler and more user friendly. 

Tried things, didn’t really get on with it. Mrs G swears by wonderlist. 

Theres and app called 30/30 which is no longer on the AppStore which is basically a list timer which I use when I’ve a lot of different things to get through in a day. 

As chambo says, your brain actually knows what you need to do and that is important. 

I have a notebook that I write a to do list in at the start of each week that I add things to and cross things off as they get done


I also have multiple colour pens to colour code all my meetings so I can find them easily



the resistance to anything beyond brain + notepad is palpable


which is what I thought might happen on this forum?!


Yes the brain is the key success factor but thats not to say you cant feed it more effectively 

Feel free to explain what these things do as I've never searched for productivity apps so have no idea whether they might be of any use.  My tried and tested leaving e-mails in my inbox until they've been dealt with system seems to work quite well.

This all sounds like a terrible faff.

I’m reminded slightly of Laurence Olivier to Dustin Hoffman on the set of Marathon Man when Hoffman was trying to ‘find’ his character and was using various props and tricks to this end.

Olivier enquired ‘have you tried acting dear boy?’

It's a sort of a case tracker that actually organises your file and pulls your legal references in in a sensible way rather than in some ad hoc IT vision of what you might want. 

It's a bit beta just now, but if you know the right people (#humblebrag) you can get a sneaky look

I think you either are or aren’t someone who can get along with productivity apps. I tried GTD as a system for a long time and still do practice bits of it, but I’m just not someone who is naturally organised or arsed enough to follow it religiously. I remember discussing this ages ago with funkymonkey who was. 

There is reams of this stuff around productivity methodologies on the net, and I think some if not a lot of people follow these systems as a kind of justifiable procrastination   

I just rof.  

This sounds really interesting...

They gave me a sh1tload of people to manage when someone left and I manage their productivity manually and in Microsoft 365 using buckets... but then I'm just really showing overdue tasks.... which is a faff because I have myself and other people to deal with.

Can you link me with a productivity planner which would help?



A lot of these apps and systems are based around personal productivity whereas it sounds more like what you need is some form of project management methodology to assign tasks to owners and monitor completion. I think for that you really need some proper training - does your business have project manager types? Try and nab one of them. 

Nothing wrong with productivity apps but you're meant to use one or two, not nine.

I dump everything into OneNote as it really lets you dump everything into it however you like, but it does mean it's a massive unwieldy mess

I dont think one app can really do everything. 


I agree you should minimise them but you want a  decent stack to cover everything (depending what you do) 


Also I dont actually use all the above apps, I have just dealt with them

Not Too Fussy22 Nov 18 11:11

I am not sure what a "productivity app" is, sounds a bit like an organisational tool...?

My boss uses NTF DELUX.  I think it is brill


our toilet wall has pretty much the same thing written on it

You can get so lost in these things that actual productivity goes out of the window.

Hang on a minute, the computer hasn't told me what to do.

Brain, paper notepad and instinct / knowledge / experience.

Brain, Paper, Notepad - you guys are going to start looking pretty archaic to your clients in the not too distant future. At some-point it will begin to be off-putting. 

There are still largely paper based firms out there which blows my mind?!



(*cue backlash of comments)

You miss the point Archie. Of course I know most of these systems inside out. And they can be useful. But I'm not going to walk into a meeting and hand everyone a book of computer printouts.

Not the way to do it.

Wasn't pointed at you chambers - just seems the profession as a whole tends to be a later adopter on the tech front compared to most spaces. Banks and Insurers seem to have undertaken a lot of change in the last decade and law firms seem to only be changing more noticeably now. 


Also "computer printouts"I mean that sort of makes my point for me.