October lockdown

Stock up the loo rolls. 

You heard it here first. 


I should also say, a national lockdown cannot happen because people would quite literally starve to death

and I am sure even the most hardened vuvuzealot would baulk at having no food for their kids 

So Clergham how do I not comply with going to non essential shops, pubs, and restaurants if they are closed?

How do I not comply if being told I must work from home  , which most here can, etc, etc. The next lockdown will be more based in statute as opposed to guidance. As a Solicitor I suspect you will unreservedly comply with the law, and probably mostly the guidance.

As Ebitda says, if everything is forced to lockdown again except essential stores, we as citizens won't have a choice but to comply with it in most respects as things won't be open and unless we quit, we'll need to work from home.

What we can do is 1) peaceful protest & assembly 2) leave the house and see whoever we want to see, legally or not 3) write our MPs telling them this is ridiculous 4) for some of us, leave the country altogether for more sane pastures


things will stay open, just look for them and support them

see your friends and family, most importantly

if they close down outside, go inside

do NOT accept any sort of forcible isolation

and "as a solicitor"


"I would love to disapprove of the social strictures that are causing deaths and permanent mutilations right now but the regulatory body!"

i really doubt we'll see another national lockdown

they do seem to be getting horned up about the "no-one can cross the M25" idea though, so that will probably happen at some stage.

it's an exciting thing of the kind that might happen in a film and it will make them feel very important ordering it, so it's quite likely. 

Funny how you have severe mask anxiety (which is less than the anxiety caused by not wearing a mask) and also are in absolute fucking denial about all measures (including use of hand sanitizer) to reduce infection. And also not going to comply. It's almost as if you're entirely full of shit. 

it's almost as though you are covered in shit from having shit the bed on a daily basis since March

covid isn't that bad and everyone will get it

so no I won't go out of my way at all to stop it - no masks, no nasty sanitiser, no "reducing social interactions"

lockdown is on another tier, though. I would not mind being shot to stop that.

Govt can't afford the cost of another lockdown. Full stop. Their ability to fund the last one was because all other countries were doing this - they are about to push the country off a financial cliff anyway, so sterling will drop, the risk premium on gilts will increase etc. If they want to do it they will have to defer Brexit. 

Clergham " things will stay open" . You mean like the first lockdown!!? You cannot go to a place which has been forced to close by Law. 

Businesses will not open if they are told to close, simple. The only non compliance one can realistically do is visiting people from other households, should they be so minded.

places stayed open round me

quietly and subtly

hairdressers, cafes, the occasional pub

I think this time there will be less shock and fear

people are more confident lying to the police (the effects of THAT will be interesting for some future policy historian to map)

and more people have nothing to lose

when it was "3 weeks to save the NHS" some people believed that

now it is clearly "this could be many years and fuck you and all the things you will lose in that time"


it's absolutely on between the fearful and those who won't give any more 

ebitda - do you live in the countryside? I recall maybe you do.

Where I live, lots of places stayed open because the alternative was no fucking money

I didn't need to wait 3 months for a haircut but I wanted to see my usual hairdresser

if I was happy with a chop on easter road it could have been achieved

I first heard about the October lockdown before I was furloughed so back before Easter.  They've been telling schools and hospitals for months to plan for another shutdown because they want to be in a position where if it's needed they can do it in an orderly manner with contingency plans in place to avoid the chaos we had in March.  However, I suspect the old nudge unit is working on the basis that lots of talk about a lockdown will be enough to persuade people to continue being cautious so it's not necessary.

abbeywell - you support young people never having the opportunities you had, just so your wide welsh arse can feel misplacedly safe for a decade or two more

I am not the selfish one

nor apparently the stupid one 

how rude and heteronormative of u, bam, what would hackney say

abbeywell - you said yourself you got enormously fat during lockdown so u will forgive me if I reckon you just didn't go outside and therefore don't realise what was going on in your own neighbourhood

just to reiiterate - this disease isn't that bad and some people have the common sense to know it

I have my and only holiday booked for Oct so yeah lockdown a cert.

we did know this from the start, the Ferguson model said November for another surge right at the outset and they have not yet published anything to say that is revised.

Honestly, if we do another indefinite full national lockdown I'll be weighing up going back to Canada for my own sanity at least temporarily. I can't take another one. Problem is, Canaduh is even more afraid than the average Brit, despite the virus really not having much of a health impact there - absolute numbers or per capita outside of a few Quebec and Ontario nursing homes that skewed national numbers they were so bad.


Also loads of businesses have taken govt backed loans based on COVID look-through tests. If their businesses have to operate with lockdown for another year, the govt will have to pay on the guarantees in cash. Even if they are factoring in a default rate in accounting for that now, it is likely to be way too low. The deficit is already at 15% i.e. where Greece was at its worst - if other countries are operating because they are not governed by clowns, who is going to buy UK debt? 

I think the death of the magic money tree is about to bring in the hard choices govt has been evading for 4 months. Worst case the economically unproductive will be shielded. If it were up to me, I'd be telling the supermarkets to get ready to be compelled to switch all deliveries to shielded people, funding continued protection of them through means testing the state pension.