NE1 not having a bbq today
Wang's Upon a Time 19 Apr 19 19:07
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Serge, I will sacrifice the obligatorysausage to the coals as an offering to the old gods on your behalf.  may you have a secret stash of pork products at the back of the fridge.

No bbq for me.  

Asparagus, very whole meal bread, beautiful Normandy butter, lemon juice, hollandaise sauce, smoked trout and crab pâté - not necessarily in that order.  

My suggestion of BBQing a whole leg of lamb was vetoed.

I am doing an alternative BBQ steaks and shell-on king prawns offering in competition.

Stand fast and grill hard, people.

Beans on toast for wang for lunch.  I add curry powder.  yum.

Another bbq tomorrow, the mrs seems to be resistant to straying from classic saussies burgers and kebabs.  even the suggestion of chicken legs drew The Look.  I'd be doing steak or lamb cutlets or attempting a whole chicken.  quite like the idea of bbqing a side of salmon too.

was sore tempted by a pizza oven in b&q earlier.  talk me out of that...

15 mackerel in one session is maybe a bit toppy for someone who lives right by the sea, Tec.

Given they'll be in now for a bit why take so many on one day?

(Not looking for aggro - just think 15 when they come in easy on feathers 3 at a time and fresh is best is a bit much).

They arent very big and if you're smoking them for later use why not.  It's not a popular fish and I think most get exported.

Also there is a high likelihood they are imaginary...

Next place we live I'm definitely getting one.  Friend has one back in Oz and does roasts, bread, pasta bakes and all sorts in it.

Tonight I'm being non BBQ again and having fish en croute and asparagus.