Left wing - right wing personality types.

I was pondering prodering on this in the context of tendencies towards autism in people whose politics I broadly know.

Couldn't help but think that autistic traits tended to coincide with my more right wing friends.

Can you recognise the same?

Not sure about that prodders. All of the calm, reasonable, well adjusted people I know are centrists. The shouty narcissists are drawn to the extremes. I don't think that maps onto the spectrum in any meaningful way. 

Extreme right wing bad, extreme left wing not that good. Both have lost sight of the middle ground, fixated on their innate politics to the exclusion of all else.

I'm contemplating tendencies.

Politics does broadly seem to have an innatenes at its extremes. 

Have also always wondered about the underlying traits of religious extremists.

Why were the Pharisees such vankers?


It’s all about how one sees the influence of luck on their lives.

I think most people would accept that success (focussing on material success) results from a combination of hard work, ability and luck.

Right wing people are more likely to heavily discount the role of luck. Left wing people are more likely to see luck as a bigger determining factor.

In the policy arena, this translates into right wing policies where individuals bear more of the burden of bad luck (e.g. getting cancer in the US) but take a bigger portion of the spoils of good luck (lower taxes, no inheritance tax).

I personally think dumb luck has an enormous influence on your life. I don’t find left/right labels very consistent (why is environmentalism now seen as left when it’s a very conservative thing?), but I am more likely to agree with ‘left wing’ than ‘right wing’ policies because of my views on the role of luck.

Good post TT. It's why it's laughable when right wingers talk of "equality of opportunity"... achieving that or anything close is impossible with a right wing mindset that completely discounts luck. I think it's simply an outcome of how empathetic a person is capable of being, how easily you can imagine yourself in someone else's shoes, which isn't easy if you've had a very easy and lucky life.

There’s no correlation between being ASD and being right wing. 

There is, however, a well documented correlation between lower cognitive functioning and having conservative / right wing views. 

Probably more ‘able’ people are more right wing because they want to enjoy the profits of their natural advantage. I bet lots of very athletic people are right wing for the same reason. They consider themselves superior and want to be able to rise to the top of society.

KC3 is a bit ambiguous on that front. I suspect he’s more of a centrist Dad than people suspect. 

Environmentalism gets seen as left-wing because certain aspects of it fit well with leftwing agendas, and historically green parties have voted / coalitioned with the left. It is of course entirely possible to be an environmentalist and right wing.

We see on here that left-wing people, or self-described centrists, generally have a low tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. When confronted with a different opinion, they often become angry and start using insults, perhaps as a defense mechanism to protect their existing beliefs, or perhaps because of a lack of empathy (how can someone think any differently from me??!)

Environmentalism / conservation was largely Teddy Roosevelt’s idea, so clearly has right of centre origins. 

Luck plays an enormous part in life.  I’m extremely mediocre at everything but was born in a wealthy country to comfortably well off parents, so have had a pretty easy ride through life.

‘We see on here that right-wing people, or self-described Good People, generally have a low tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. When confronted with a different opinion, they often become angry and start using insults, perhaps as a defense mechanism to protect their existing beliefs, or perhaps because of a lack of empathy (how can someone think any differently from me??!). They are firm believers in free speech, as long as it is the right sort of free speech.

Fixed that for you.

"centrist" is a shifty term meaning whatever the common / received wisdom of the day

In 2020 it was centrist to think people should be locked up at home for months on end and schools closed due to a virus for instance . Then in 2021 the idea of making everyone have a vax for it was also centrist for a while but this all fell away


In my mind and the minds of many others these were extreme disproportionate policies but we were gaslit as far right /extremist for having such views .

I would say the "centre" now is actually slightly off to the left , anyone who deviates even slightly is quickly characterized as right wing 

The music industry is very guilty of centring the left.

I sometimes wonder if nowadays the first gold record does not come with a little pamphlet explaining the very narrow range of left wing opinions one is allowed to hold as a recording artist

Any deviation will result in the full force of the Guardian/NME thought police coming down on you 

Look at the treatment meted out to that Mumford and Sons guy for reading and praising an Andy Ngo wrongthink book. Some shops stopped selling Morrissey records too for having what are somewhat unpalatable but actually very common views on immigration and Brexit 


Clapton etc are grandfathered in of course 

Although having the wrong opinions will still get you hounded to your grave .

Remember David Bellamy ?


All the amazing things he did in his career and most of the obituaries were at least 50% to do with his views on climate change and how they effectively ended his career right at the end of his life 

I totally believe in luck but also believe that being lucky in life is about having a positive mindset and believing you will be lucky and things will come together.  Consequently I’m drawn to the view that we are largely responsible for our own destinies.

"I believe money is an energy and a lot of it has always flown to me... especially after my parents died"



One of my favourite bits in Peep Show 

But yes SS does have a point and there is far too much victim mentality in the world now. Yes I'm guilty of it too so don't bother pointing that out 

Agreed Gaga, although it is a thread on personality types. What type of person behaves in the way you've described? I'd summarise it as follows:

- Closed-minded. Prone to confirmation bias and gets angry at differing opinions.

- Authoritarian. Wants to see what they understand to be the "received wisdom" enforced. Very ready to accept claims from "trusted" sources if they confirm existing biases, even if lacking in supporting information/ evidence. Wants alternative views to be suppressed.

- In some cases, narcissistic - actively seeking out information that enhances their self-image and perceived superiority (I'm clever and enlightened, unlike the thick, useless Brexiters).


the essence of being right wing is primacy of oneself, in all things

that pure selfish mindsight will always fail because humans r a social species, so it’s inhuman. the association with autism is based on a misunderstanding that autism = selfish

the essence of being left wing is primacy of community - selflessness in some ways

that will also always fail because humans struggle to control self-interest, especially when desper7 or angry

The ‘spectrum’ friends who made me think this are not at all selfish people. They are just very single minded and lead somewhat rule driven existences which orients them towards being more Conservative.  
There is no judgment on my part about either their personality or their politics. 

The tozzas put a tree on their logo as a sop. 

As much as I loathe him, Bodge genuinely was worried about climate change, and anyone who has worked in environmental policy in this country at a senior level can verify there are plenty of environmentalists amongst the Tories.

Anyone who tries to make this a left/right issue clearly doesn't give a shit about the environment.

The green party are the primary advocates of environmentalism in the UK and across Europe.

The Green Party are the primary advocates of a particular brand of environmentalism that is still very much anthropocentric.  

- Closed-minded. Prone to confirmation bias and gets angry at differing opinions.

- Authoritarian. Wants to see what they understand to be the "received wisdom" enforced. Very ready to accept claims from "trusted" sources if they confirm existing biases, even if lacking in supporting information/ evidence. Wants alternative views to be suppressed.

- In some cases, narcissistic - actively seeking out information that enhances their self-image and perceived superiority 

lol @ you if you think that right wingers do not behave like this

What gaga said. “Centrist” is centre left and someone who would have been seen as a moderate conservative is now called alt right and a racist 

I don’t think personality type is linked in any way to politics 



Environmentalism / conservation was largely Teddy Roosevelt’s idea, so clearly has right of centre origins. 

Teddy Roosevelt would be branded a far left commie and hounded out of the GOP if he was around today.

Before he became PM Bojo was what would now be called a climate denier 

During a snowy cold snap in Jan 2013 he wrote a column in the Telegraph basically saying it was nonsense because at the time Britain was on a run of unusually cold winters (2012-13 would turn out to be the last of the run , we haven't had a proper cold one since although 20-21 ran it close ).

To answer the original question I think that nowadays sadly being left wing is increasingly N act of conformism .

In general the personality types that encourage extreme left and rightism though are probably quite similar . A victim mentality and persecution complex normally encourage far left or far right views as both philosophies are very much focussed on society being wrongly structured in some way so if is easy to find a narrative explaining ones own failings in such a philosophy . 

Incels are considered right wing but the way they talk of sex as an unfairly distributed thing hoarded by a few is very leftist .

Hitler blamed a mythical Jewish conspiracy for Germany's and his own failings. 

Modern leftists tend to play the oppression Olympics , advocating any sense of individual responsibility and blaming everything on unconscious biases and isms. But they only have approved victims of this ... 

All these ways of looking at the world are of course utterly toxic 










Jesus H Christo gaga. Your entire personality, even down to your phraseology, conforms to the accepted alt right, terminally online, dweeb playbook. To the point I wouldn't be surprised if you were quoting Ben "wants to shag his own sister" Shapiro above. You are the conformist, chum. 

It's not

They do

And tbh it's becoming increasingly mainstream 

But of course they only have approved victims 

Ooh RR called me a dweeb 

1988 just called it wants it's insults back 

Incels are associated with the right-wing because they attribute their plight to modernity and the sexual liberation of women, and think that if society were more "traditional", that is to say more patriarchal, they would be able to get laid

Yes but the way they talk about sex and women as resources hoarded by chads is lefty . It's like when leftists spout statistics about how the top x pc of wealth is hoarded by y pc of people .

An obsession with redistribution and equality as the goal above all else. 

And the theory is that the patriarchal monogamous society of the past was more egalitarian in this sense because it basically provided every man with a woman .

So it's a twisted form of leftism. But then I kind of think that could be said of most far right philosophies 

They aren't obsessed with equality as the goal above all else are they though. They think women should be subordinate to men, specifically because in societies - patriarchal, conservative soceties - where women are subordinate to men, men don't have to try in order to get sex. Describing this as a "twisted form of leftism" seems like mental gymnastics on your part.

The idea that "modern leftists" "blame everything on unconscious biases and isms" is of course absolute bollocks and a total caricature

Just a bit of blame-ism, maybe?

I suspect quite a lot of incels probably still wouldn't get any even if they did live in a patriarchal conservative society tbh. 

But that's besides the point 

It is undeniably true that the sexual revolution has led to rampant capitalism and not communism when it comes to sexual competition .

And there are many men who are incel now who wouldn't have been even a few decades ago 

Not surprising that these men are drawn to extreme political views. Whether you call them far left or far right is irrelevant really as the two are barely distinguishable 

Whether you call them far left or far right is irrelevant really as the two are barely distinguishable 

Er, well I would struggle to say that someone who thinks society should return to an imagined traditionalist, patriarchal past is a left-winger. Reckon I am comfortable in making that distinction.

I do think it is quite surprising that these men are drawn to extreme political views. I think it's fooking insane to fantasise about remodelling society because you can't get your dick wet.

People on the right wing like freedom and self-determination. 

Modern leftists hate straight and white people, including themselves. Internalised shame for imperial past, in the UK, and slavery in the US, and the "heteronormative" post WWII society. That's pretty much the entire leftist school of thought. 

Why is that any more insane than wanting to reshape society because you can't get a job/can't eat /can't buy a house ?

In all cases it's basic human needs not being met. 

Why is that any more insane than wanting to reshape society because you can't get a job/can't eat /can't buy a house ?

Because you can realistically correct these things with policy actions. There is no incel political platform other than hating women and talking about how things were better in the olden days when they didn't get a say.

To get back to the OP… ASD is a relatively broad church. If you’ve met one person with ASD, then you’ve met one person with ASD. If you met them at work, then you’ve likely met high functioning people with ASD. They are by no means typical or representative. 

You’re right that those with ASD prefer routine / predictability / known patterns, but it’s a bit reductive to leap from that to a conservative preference. You could just as easily argue that their likely exposure to SEN support when growing up has impressed on them the need for properly funded social services…

It could also be that I don't give a shit about replying to the allegations

You replied though Benny Sistershagger, both times. You expect to be able to post lift and shift opinions from incelMAGA Reddit and then ignore bits of responses that make you feel bad you sad snowflake of a man. 

NC you can't really have the government mandate someone give you a job either (other than in a fake/ token way like those fake guaranteed jobs they give young people when the economy is on its knees). There are times when there simply aren't enough jobs and some people have to be unemployed and the gap can only be filled with welfare 

Agreed there isn't really an incel solution , it's more a world view than a policy platform . It's not surprising that one would have a somewhat warped world view when that feels deprived by society of something many people frankly take for granted to at least some degree. 

anti-environmentalism/clim7 denialism is deffo not a left wing/right wing thing

but it is deffo an ultra-free marketeer/extreme libertarian thing. cos if man-made clim7 change is true (it is), then it destroys their entire philosophy (it does)

as that type is typically (and almost exclusively now) consider part of the right wing it’s easy 2 c y ppl get confused, but it’s not all conserv7ives - there’s plenty of internecine feuding and ideological opposites within the right wing

NC you can't really have the government mandate someone give you a job either 

of course the government can create employment and does so all the time. idiotic analogy to incel demands 

The worst thing for incels is the availability of the internet, as it allows them to meet other incels and agree with one another that really the problem isn’t them but that society now allows women to have sexual agency, and to rail pointlessly against this state of affairs rather than doing anything to help themselves 

Well of course you don't because you've never been in the position of staring down the barrel of not being able to get one .

Plenty of people staring down that barrel now (and yes it's not 100pc men, there are femcels too but far less).

And it has a knock on effect on other things too as not having a partner means not being able to have a family , for many people it also limits ability to buy property etc and generally seen by society as an outcast 

It's a serious problem 

I sympathise with people who struggle to meet someone. I don’t sympathise with people who are “drawn to extreme politics” and become embittered misogynists because they can’t get laid. Most people in the former group do not become the latter.

The number of people who literally never find a romantic or sexual partner their entire life has to be pretty low even in the age of Tinder. But even if there were loads of them, how is getting really into neo-reaction going to help exactly 

I'm not saying it will. Just saying it's a rational explanation of why they do 

The failure has to be rationalized and blamed on something . The idea that it is all ones own fault and responsibility is too horrid to contemplate 

Most people like to put others in boxes or say everyone who votes Labour believes in XYZ. Instead it is mixed picture. Eg I was astounded 90% of the country supported lockdowns I was against since March 2020. I stop with Corbyn's brother on that. I simply believe in freedom and a smaller state. Neither Labour nor the Tories support that - both seem keen on much less freedom, a huge state and the highest tax burden in 70 years.


I don't think high functioning autistic people are either right or left wing. I suppose some may be successful due to their superior powers, therefore make money and so want to keep that money so are not foolish enough to vote left wing

Russell Brand ? Why would I bat for him ?

I'm delighted to see that Metoo still applies to chad and isn't reserved for the Harvey Weinstein's of the world . Plus I've kind thought he is a complete cockwomble of the highest order anyway. No surprise that he's most probably a rapist, hiding in plain sight just like Mazza Manson.

It's always baffled me when men who could basically have any woman choose to groom teenagers 

Was watching the Elvis film the other day with him hanging out with 14 year old Priscilla and reflecting the same 

Most people you call "incels " and "dangerous" by contrast, wouldn't harm a fly 

"There's a difference between "struggling to meet someone " (which is a struggle for most) and having 0 luck at all in this area for ones whole life "

If one really has 0 luck ones whole life then one is not trying or is doing something horribly wrong which is no doubt fixable.  Doesnt matter what you look like, there will always be a constituency who are interested unless you are not doing enough to find them or are doing something horribly wrong.

Not true Guy

There are some of us for whom there genuinely is no one attracted to us to whom we would ourselves be attracted ie no match .

Or at any rate no one who we could ever conceivably meet through what are now very narrow channels available for this sort of thing (essentially it's just online now because any other situation is just too risky ... and that doesn't work for most of us). So that's effectively the same thing as there being no one


There are some of us for whom there genuinely is no one attracted to us to whom we would ourselves be attracted ie no match .

maybe some expectations lowering in order. another problem arising from the internet and social media - constant availability of images of infeasibly hot women. actually existing women who might be interested just aren’t going to measure up.

"There are some of us for whom there genuinely is no one attracted to us to whom we would ourselves be attracted ie no match"

When you say "to whom we would ourselves be attracted", do you mean based on looks, or personality, or both?

There are plenty of couples neither of whom is model material but they can find a connection anyway.

During a snowy cold snap in Jan 2013 he wrote a column in the Telegraph basically saying it was nonsense because at the time Britain was on a run of unusually cold winters (2012-13 would turn out to be the last of the run , we haven't had a proper cold one since although 20-21 ran it close ).

To answer the original question I think that nowadays sadly being left wing is increasingly N act of conformism .

Bodge became a climate realist when, as PM in the country of presidency of COP, someone briefed him properly on AR5.

Looks... personality ... either or or whatever .

The stars just don't align for some of us . Whatever that magic combination is, just seems to happen for some and not others .

And can't get casual sechs either as that is now seemingly an elite thing only for the 5 a day Brands of the world ..

I was never 100pc.convonced by green Bodge I have to admit. Nothing substantive changed in the science from 2013 , I don't accept that some report magically changed his mind cos all the info within would have been broadly aligned with what was in the public domain then . And he was saying Piers Corbyn was his favourite meteorologist then ! I expect alot of his green stuff would have ended up watered down had he continued and tbh probably will now even under a Labour government 

Prodigal, one doesn't need to add 'extremists' to 'religious'. People who are religious are extremist and bigoted anyway.

Re luck:

Indeed, luck of birth has a great influence on whether one becomes rich. Usually by inheritance or being a trustafarian.

The ladder is being pulled up. Socio-economic advancement is very difficult in Anglo-Saxon countries due to their neo-liberal policies. Inequalities in wealth are stark.

If someone falls a few steps on the economic ladder (e.g. from middling, but not well-to-do) to finding themselves on Universal Credit, there's no chance of climbing back. If they are 40-plus, that's the end.

Talent has v little to do with it; the City is full of obnoxious tw*ts who act like plebs.

Very rarely, s.o. from a humble background makes it in the entertainment industry. as a writer, or in sport.

Luck is not a question of ideology. It's a fact. It's simply that the right pull up the ladder and have no idea how 'the other' lives. The right regard the economically unsuccessful as lazy and feckless. They loathe Whitehall Civil Servants because they're not 'in business'. 


Luck has eluded me. I've got law qualifications coming out of my ears and am no better off than when I was 18.

Ergo, 'hard work' is a delusion. I subscribe to the 'It's all down to luck' school.

I also have a Master's in 'Acceptance'. It's just not to be, in my case. 

As for the L/R personality types:

Right-wingers are racist bigots with insecurity issues and unaddressed sexuality issues.

Left-wingers are embittered who are still deluded about the Soviet-style worker state.

Gaga; the longer a person is on UC, the less competitive they are in the jobs market, the more dependent they will be on charity and more likely to need to use a food bank, get fuel vouchers.

This is England.

That's maybe a slight disadvantage to get the next job but would become completely irrelevant after that .

We're lucky in the UK to at least have something of a safety net. In America it really would be living in the car time if you lost your job and had no savings etc. And don't get ill either cos health insurance is tied to the job as well