jokes for 6 year olds


My sister was a primary school teacher of this age group.. she needed another adult to accompany them on a school field trip so the most responsible person she could find was my brother.. during the trip he told them this joke 

"what's the last thing to enter a fly's mind when he hits a windscreen?  His arse".. kids loved it, told their parents... there were many complaints..

Why did the tomato blush?  Because it saw the salad dressing

Did you hear about the magic cow?  He walked down the road and turned into a field

What's red and invisible?  No tomatoes

What made the crab angry?  The sea weed

How many Cork men does it take to bake a chocolate cake?  21, 1 to make the cake and 20 to peel the smarties.

What do you call a Cork man who goes to Limerick on his holidays?  A thrill seeker

A man goes into the doctor with a steering wheel sticking out of his trousers, "What's that?" asks the Dr, "I dunno but it's driving me nuts"

2 cows standing in a field and one says "I'm really worried about this mad cow disease", "I'm not" says his friend, "I'm a squirrel"

What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idea.

What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still no idea.


What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fssshhh...

What's the best thing about sex with twen....actually, never mind

Why did the hedgehog cross the road?  To show his friends he had guts.

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side

Why did the pervert cross the road? his dick was in the chicken.


What goes: “black, white, black, white, black …etc”?  (speeding up)

A nun rolling down a hill


What’s black and white and laughs

The nun who pushed her

How do you confuse a Cork man?  Put three shovels against the wall and tell him to take his pick

A Cork man and a Dubliner fall off a cliff, which one hits the ground first? Who cares as long as they're both killed.

What does Diana stand for? Died In A Nasty Accident. (too soon?)


Finally a thread worthy of my talents


What's brown and sticky? A stick

What's orange and smells like blue paint? Orange paint

What's orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot

What wobbles and flies through the air? A Jellycopter


I have many many more

in the trenches, the Germans figured that all Frenchmen were called Louis so one day the shouted across "Hey Louis!"

A Frenchman pops up and says "Oui?" boom.. dead

Several minutes later, "Hey Louis!"

another pops up "Oui?" boom.. dead

After quite the massacre the French got together and figured all Germans are called Hans so they'd use the same tactic.

"Hey Hans!"



no reply,


"Is that you Louis?"

"Oui", boom....


What’s round, green and goes camping?

A boy sprout.

(Or my then-6 year old’s punchline - A Brussels Scout)

The ‘Europe’ knock-knock joke was a big hit in our house.

What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idea.

What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still no idea.

What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs, but being mounted by a stag?  Still no fvcking idea.