James O’ Brien why is he routinely such a nasty

Arrogant , supercilious kvnt to all his callers or is it an act 

he's pretty patient with some terrible people, I think he maybe jumps the gun a bit on what some people are trying to say but on the whole he's probably the only talk radio show I listen to


Don’t listen as a general rule because of the ads, but it can be entertaining when the odd swivel-eyed loon gets gently taken apart. 

The rest are mixed - Mair and Dale are of the right calibre but the inclusion of JH-B and Uncle Nige on the team underline how difficult it is to get credible right wing voices these days.  


So you don't like a radio personality who calmly and logically highlights why what you hold dear you your cold, dark heart is often wrong and based on rank stupidity and/or racism?


Funny that. 

Don't listen to LBC because it's the London radio station. 


I do listen to his interviews on a podcast and his habit of talking over interviewees and constantly interrupting them is really beginning to do my swede in. 

He seems to be carving his own unique niche as a liberal shock jock.   I don't particularly like his style but at least somebody is calling out the moronic nonsense of brexiteeds - while the BBC just accepts nonsense as valid comment.