if there is a Christmas ban on socialising (which seems likely)

what will you do?

I think I will try to go somewhere sunny 

I would actually find a ban on get togetherS at Christmas not so bad.   I domt really like Christmas enforced jollity but like most people have various social and family obligations  - an opportunity to skip Christmas guilt free would be far from the end of the world for me.  I appreciate many would hate it though.

We're hoping to be in the new house and definitely can see the in-laws staying with us for the "first Christmas"; if that's not allowed we'll break the rules. Sorry, life is too short to social distance indefinitely from loved ones/family.

OMFG, Would you just go somewhere already.

You have been jacking off over the board on the same topic for months. 

Just leave, depart, go, exit, be gone, decamp.... make yourself happy.  Go somewhere you aren't in danger of lockdown... and more importantly, shut the fvck up about this.


Bullace - we sent the latest memo from the Senior Partner saying the future is unclear but they expect 50% occupancy in the office going forward and won't be forcing anyone in who doesn't want to come in etc. Our broker confirmed to the lender that we can well afford season tickets and the mortgage, and that it is not uncommon to commute from Brighton to London 5 days a week. Haven't heard their response yet. It's all a bit weird. My dad (a RE developer) thinks we should tell the lender to get stuffed and find a new broker/lender altogether. I just think Covid is making underwriters so nervous they are grasping at any straw they can to reduce lending given the boom in sales right now.

In my ideal scenario, I will be spending Christmas in a plague-free NYC or DC with friends as we celebrate the landslide victory of the Democrats for both the White House and Congress.

Clergy don't u famously h7 Xmas?  

One of my best ever xmases was j7st me and the Mrs in our flat with no rellys.  I did roast pheasant.

Unfortunately the next day the Mrs decided we should remove the woodchip wallpaper from the hall which took about 3 days.  I hate wallpaper.