I need a holiday

.. and I would like to learn how to meditate.  Work is quite stressful at the moment.

I found this online.  Have any of your been there?



You get this as part of your £1800...

“2x body composition analyzes”

”yes Doggers! We can definitely confirm you knee bone is connected to your thigh bone...”

There is a lot of extraneous crap and not much meditation... ...have you thought about a Buddhist retreat? There are plenty in the U.K.


'As Cosmopolitan said: 'Among London's taut-buttocked set, the name Julie Montagu is talked about with the sort of reverence reserved for the Dalai Lama'. Her Sunday class in SW3 gets so packed that she often teaches standing on a radiator. True Story. '

I am not sure these are entirely the sort of people you are going to get on well with...

Nevertheless their resorts look nice.

I just wonder how relaxing hanging out with the 'taut-buttocked set' will be, particularly if it involves stuff where you have to talk to them.

But it's probably nice enough and the classes are probably a good thing as they'll stop you from looking at your phone all day.

The mrs is just back from a yoga retreat doggers - can get details if that's your bag.  Caution tho, there is a high level of veganism at these things.

Years ago I was dragged to a Buddhist monastery for a week long meditation retreat by my terminally ill friend who wanted to go but didn’t want to go alone.  

I was highly sceptical. I did not want to go. 

I walked away feeling fabulous and very clear minded. 

If you want to do it I would strongly encourage you.. 

Sometimes being around people we wouldn’t normally associate with can be a great thing. 

Honestly can it be any worse than the people on your last holiday?