I have a hard deadline for 3pm that I cannot miss

I've just spent 24 minutes watching dog grooming videos on YouTube.


Why is my brain like this?

If you manage to crack your procrastination problem, let me know.

I can only ever avoid pissing around on the internet when I am totally up against it, and even then I still find myself on autopilot going to the guardian website and (pathetically) LinkedIn to see how many ‘impressions’ my posts have got.

It means you hate you job. Billing, billing for 'demanding' clients to whom you wouldn't give the time of day outside the lawyer-client relationship and who you, in fact, despise.

You're not in error being distracted by these videos; the error is not quitting before it's too late.

As a cat person, it would be cat videos rather than dogs, but the principle is the same.