i feel like total shit

my whole body hurts

I feel sad and empty and tired and hopeless

i just want to sleep forever

this isn't the sharp sorrow of youth

it's the slow, creeping sorrow of middle age - the things I fear will come to pass

and my head is sore

it's a dizzying teeter on the edge of the ravine

devi being shamed is the one shining light right now

only joking I don't care at all

how do people just plough through the poisonous mist? 

one foot in front of other I suppose

You do sound a bit unwell, although I'm finding it all a bit constant gloom just now, and I'm usually annoyingly chirpy. 

Can you get some sun for a few days, will that help the perspective? I think it's what I need so that's my plan anyway.

a lot of people live their whole adult lives on SSRIs but I am not convinced those lives are particularly better

just more dulled

at least I have done more interesting things than I had ten yrs ago I could absolutely bow out now with no further curiosity

I would love to be lost in the storm never to be seen or thought of again

there are annoyingly enough people to be sad when I go yet not enough to be confident that anyone will be left to be sad when I do go

what a conundrum

think I am having pizza for dinner

solidarity laz - it's awful, eh

I agree with Prodigal Son. You really need vitamin D!

Try also to prepare the food that reminds you of your happy days. February is a short month and in no time the spring will bring brighter and longer days, so be patient, care for yourself and soon you'll smile again!

I’m feeling absolutely tip top today

Even had delusions of omnipotence earlier on the god thread (until Jim had me bang to rights doing a blasphemy against Him)

I can confirm SSRIs are useless 


I've had a few nasty panic attacks lately and thought about opening them again but have decided to go for a boring option of not drinking and following regular exercise routines instead for a bit


Less numbing plus I get to be self righteous about it so win win 

I am 40 in March


There is a sense that the best is past and it wasn't that good anyway. And there is a complete failure to launch


Wish it was a film instead of a life in real time. If would surely all be resolved in 2 hilarious and poignant hours, with Seth Rogen probably starring as the wise 18 year old stoner kid he's played for the last 25 years (now aged 45)