How many parties do you think will have a policy of REJOIN EU

at the 2024 election? Probably only the navel gazing Lib Dems right?


The way to rejoin the EU is just not to put anything about EU membership in your manifesto and then, the day after you win, say oh hey we are going to rejoin the EU and no, you aren’t going to get a referendum, you stupid, ugly, far COPD-canister-dragging fookers.

what you do is, you just do it without asking, and then you pay for a party political broadcast that consists entirely of footage of you irrumating a rag doll effigy of Nigel Farage, to the tune of the intro to Step On by the Happy Mondays

and by this time, you’ve stealthily revised the political broadcasting laws to allow this ad to be broadcast 24/7 for five weeks into Leaver homes via the internal public address systems you’ve mandated be installed