gutting discoveries

Camus never actually said "should I kill myself or have a cup of coffee"

i have basically made that my motto for two decades and turns out I was living off a Demotivators poster

My m7 dave's wife only found out at her 40th bday party that the lyric was "it's raining men" rather that her preferred version of "it's a rainy day, hallelujah..."

It is the male that gives birth in the seahorse world. Something to think about. 

I was in my teens when I realised gullible is not actually an English word and as such isn’t in the OED. 

Possibly for the only time ever but what dux said.  I was convinced you could stick a saddle on a seahorse and ride them around until I learned the terrible truth at around 7.

It is a great siphonophore, up to 50m of luminous deep sea weirdness. The second longest animal in the world if you count it as one animal. After the bootlace worm.

my grandmother once spoke on this subject to my great amusement as a child.

One thing we don't appreciate these days is that grey squirrels are an exotic species.  Red squirrels were the only native squirrel in the UK.  150 years ago, there were places with red squirrels (coniferous forests in Scotland, Wirral, Dorset heathland etc) and most of the UK had none.  Victorians didn't see squirrels much.  Then in the  Edwardian period the greys came from the US eventually turning up in London parks etc.  The illustrations of grey squirrels stated that they were larger than red but weren't specific. My granny thought they were the size of dogs or small bears. They went to Hyde Park to spot this novelty and she was very disappointed when they did.

yes, she told this story of setting out with a plan of what to do if one got angry. She was about 8. Had seriously misread the whole situation and apparently was full of fear and trepidation. Mother couldn't quite fathom her lack of delight at going to the park to see them.

 I was convinced you could stick a saddle on a seahorse and ride them around until I learned the terrible truth at around 7.

When I was a child I had a book about nature and animals, and one the pictures (they were paintings then, none of this photograph nonsense) was of a mole, but perspective wise it looked as big as a badger. Consequently, I thought that was the case for years.


I have just learned about Paris Syndrome

apparently it is a form of derangement where visitors to Paris discover that it is not as they had imagined and they go nuts

it is particularly prevalent among Japanese women in their early 30s on their first overseas trip

Does it not strike you as slightly ironic that you are praising this advocate of ‘girl power’ for her looks and wealth of the man who married her?

Just wondering.

I don't see that being attractive is incompatible with Girl Power. The Buddhist would say that outer beauty adds to one's state of enlightenment.

The money/marriage thing, yeah agreed. 

I agree entirely that looks are not incompatible. 

I was merely suggesting that maybe them being the first or second thing mentioned about a person might be an indication of complete success for the girl power mission.

She is of course the only one that I have ever considered vaguely doable. If she could be dissuaded somehow from talking.

"Does it not strike you as slightly ironic that you are praising this advocate of ‘girl power’ for her looks and wealth of the man who married her?

Just wondering."



​​​​​Is there a Rome syndrome?

taken therer for first time aged about 12, bored in St Peters Basilica and wandering off I came round a corner and came face to face with La Pieta and burst into tears.


( wouldnt happen now, its behind glass now I think)

It was Camus' L'Etranger, who had all the existentialist lines.

"It is better to burn than to disappear".

"Mother died today, or it may have been yesterday. I cannot be sure".

"SInce we're all going to die, it is obvious that when and how do not matter".

"I only had a little time left and I didn't want to waste it on God."

Muttley, indeed, our existentialist friend, Meursault, remained firm to the end in his atheism. The annoying priest continued to dissuade him, even as he was going to be guillotined.

It's better in the original French:

 "Il voulait encore me parler de Dieu, mais je suis avancé vers lui et j’ai tenté de lui expliquer une dernière fois qu’il me restait peu de temps. Je ne voulais pas le perdre avec Dieu."

Anyway, he should have left Alger and taken that job in Paris, and taken Marie with him.