Feebs Frequents Fat Fighters

tonight is my first meeting, apparently they do not share your weight with everyone in the hall but we shall see.

just water and dry cream crackers for me for the next three months

I have informed Mummy Caulfield I am going, she is very pleased for me and hopes


"I have finally found something that will help me lose this weight as it has been a while now"

what the fook is this, you don't have extra weight

in fact

I don't think there are any roffettes who are even maringally outside the "phowar! she's a healthy girl!" bracket

Norks will get a bit smaller which will be a positive as I am regularly rocking the four boob look at the moment.

doing this will give men one less reason to not want to snog me

Would it assist your programme if one or more roffers were to inspect a number of tastefully shot ‘before’ pictures in order to be able to comment in a meaningful way on subsequent rounds of similarly tasteful photographs charting your progress?

It would be the least that one could do to help a fellow board user.

Struts I've just had the before photos for my new fitness regime and can send you those if you like.  Hoping that my norks will also get smaller and firmer.


are we talking about Sail's front norks or his back norks?

I accept that either will have been tastefully done

with a helpful dollop of vaseline coating the camera lens

Best way to lose weight is to sleep enough.  Sleep deprivation makes you hungry.  

After that, a 40 minute walk every day and 2.5 minutes of breathes exercise (star jumps for me).  

Obvs cut out the sweets, biscuits, cakes, butter and cream.  

There is no need to diet and it doesn't actually help as the weight comes back as soon as you stop.  

True weight loss takes years, but is permanent and painless while you do it.  

point of order on the maths above, it's gone a bit Dawnhandbags. One pound is not 2.2kg; one kg is 2.2lbs

How was your 3.5lbs in a week achieved? that's pretty astonishing.

It was also that I wasn't eating crap all day everyday, I was being thoughtful about what I ate. So I didn't end each evening with a bag of mini eggs

I was running again

I started eating fruit


The main problem I am having is I am trying to cut down on the amount of coke and sweets I have. This is making me so tired, I have mostly got past the headaches now

I'm down 3.5lb too.  Started on Boxing Day - I was ill, so it gave me a head start.  Only another 16.5lb to go.  All I have done so far is not drink alcohol and exercise more.  Imagine what would actually happen if I stopped shoving crap food in my gob?!

That's a decent loss ratio Phoebs- healthy and permanent rather than all these "I lost twevelty pounds in three days" tablets bollocks where all their doing is dehydrating themselves a bit.

Well done mate, nothing at all to be ashamed of.

Some of the conversions in this thread don't look right, think its:

1lb = 16oz = 0.45kg

Getting off the tube/train one or two stops early and walking is a good idea, not so good when its freezing cold though




Have only skim-read this but well done so far and keep going, Phoebe - running and fruit instead of Coke and sweets pretty much always going to be beneficial irrespective of what the scales say.

I’m also down about 5 pounds in four weeks.  I’ve been training so hard so think I’ve moved lard from my middle to muscle elsewhere so the reduction in girth is more than I would get simply losing five pounds.

Tamora my dear I’m sorry to hear that the bastard black dog is in town. Are you managing to eat anything? Presumably the doc has you on some pills? I guess they’ll make you hungry in the end. Take care of yourself xxxx

Keep going, Feebs.  I've started running seriously again.  Managed to get down to 7 minute  miles over a 9 mile circuit on Tuesday.  Have also lost a bit of the pudding around the middle.  Feeling fitter and stronger.  Also ravenously hungry, so having to watch what I snack on.

I'm also heading for my half stone badge but not quite as close to it having a full pound to go.  Psyching myself up for running tomorrow and then an extra gym session on Sunday.