Dirty menus

Are these still a thing? Grubby dog-eared acetate pages smeared with finger grease, food remnants and god knows what else. As soon as I see this I get up and leave. 

My local cafe doesn't have them, just written on a big chalkboard by the till. .ost people going in there have the same yhing every morning anyway.

Maybe a greasy spoon, but it has won local cafe of the year award twice and is always busy. Only does breakfast and lunch, open at 6.00am, closes at 2.30pm.

The true Greasy spoons using the cheapest possible ingredients, frying everything and serving orange tea in a mug with the tea bag still in seem to be rapidly dying out.   The working man now goes to Mcdonalds for his breakfast.

Read something yesterday that QR based menus are falling out of favour. People love the feel of a real menu it seems. Or don’t want to have to get their phone out at the table (assuming not using your phone at the table is still a thing).

I'm hitting up my local greasy spoon for lunch today.  Love that they have diversified into ethnic foods too.  They do "paninis and chips".  My favourite panini they do is the "Panini Parma" which contains honey roast ham and cheddar.  

I love old school breakfast places, they're certainly not dying out round our way, and plenty of working men in there of a weekday. Options should be breakfast or large breakfast, brown or white toast, and tea or coffee. Anything else is frippery.

I'm not sure you can do a day's work off a Maccys breakfast, that's a hangover snack, not fuel for physical work.