Dig our your fatigues - and prepare for war…


Crikey, sounds a bit worrisome. I’ll play ARP Warden Hodges.

Sure because we have an excess of kit and the steel to make more.  FFS

The Conservatives failed to fix the roof here too.  Defence spend went down from 2010 and hit the same level in 2022 (anything happen in that year to require an increase and account on a new for old basis?).

This is the same messaging as from the Swedes and Finns.  Except they could actually make it a reality.

What will the Boomers (who managed to avoid national service) say if those lucky Millennials and Gen Z do actually get drafted? Gratitude? Huge change of attitude?  Or continuing to whine about the collapse of the economy because nobody wants to work?

Deemus23 Jan 24 23:10

Sure because we have an excess of kit and the steel to make more.  FFS

The Conservatives failed to fix the roof here too.  Defence spend went down from 2010 and hit the same level in 2022 (anything happen in that year to require an increase and account on a new for old basis?).


In fairness a chunk of this is down to the tories listening to wikipedia taught, desperate for acceptance by the 'establishment', russia apologist Dominic Cummings, who was gleefully telling everyone that armies were obsolete and all you needed was tons of hackers all of a year before Russia and Ukraine engaged in a trench off

the flipside is that there isn't really a shortage of guys to hold a gun and advance into machine gun fire, the shortage is in degree level specialists, engineers, doctors, sappers, analysts etc  (and the shortages in the Navy are horrific) 

I wouldn't be alarmist about how small the British army is today.  I think the brits proved in 1914 and again at Dunkirk that they may be down two nil after 15 minutes but will make a comeback and win.

Russias incompetence in Ukraine has been revealing.  Their tactics haven't changed since WW1, just throw more untrained men into the battle and hope for the best.

Their equipment, which we feared, has been degraded through their love of corruption.  And we can't be sure that their nuke missile capability even works.

I think that's the one thing that stops Putin launching a nuke.  Imagine having to go on TV and claim that you definitely weren't trying to launch the one that blew up in its own silo.

This is where my nerdy obsession with drone racing should come in handy.  Getting to fly a killer drone from a bunker as opposed to being given a rifle and told to go over the top Blackadder style.  

We cant even get regular soldiers to deploy on Ops. Good luck with calling up the British public to go to war.


I will be ignoring any calls on my phone from an unknown number.

I'm mostly blind so my call up will result in one of two things

I accidentally kill everyone around me

I die within minutes of everything kicking off cos I can't see where everyone is

Not sure SS is alluding to this, but Russian corruption is proven to have resulted in silo doors not working due to theft of maintenance funds.  

Russia is demographically fooked. They are hugely reliant on hydrocarbon sales and volumes of those are dropping and will continue to drop. They will run out of money to bribe the compliant masses. 

This general is just looking for cash in the budget. 

Banana I meant the whole maintenance of the nukes.  Some I suspect only exist on paper, some exist but don't have warheads or fuel, some exist and have fuel and warheads but no maintenance so a reasonable chance a leaky pipe will explode as they try to launch them and so on.