Dating Swerves

Just came across a profile on Bumble of a lady who describes herself as:

Very pro-EU, ver ant-Tory and pro-mask/covid prevention.

Think I'll swipe left...

I think you need to if you're a Tory - because there are so few at breeding age you need to carefully match them to keep the gene pool pure*


* Or avoid excess thumbs

I'm with lordgaga - big red flag.

I'm very pro EU, I despise the current government. I would still swerve away from anyone who put it on their dating profile. It just screams "humourless obsessee". Obviously if they put the opposite then it would be even worse. 

Tbh I'd assume if someone put that they were pro mask and pro covid prevention on a dating profile that they'll be full on vuvu zealot and not much fun to go on a date with.

If you're in the "masks in indoor places seem like a good idea and I try to follow the restrictions when they're not obviously stupid" camp like I suspect most people are, you're not going to put it on your dating profile.

It’s the ‘never snog a Tory’ sorts who need to declare it. No one on the right would not snog a leftie for political reasons

If you're looking for a relationship then it's easy to see how it could be a dealbreaker though.

I've dated people I'm pretty sure are Tories in the past and it was never an issue, but I find it hard to look at anyone who still votes Tory after the shit show of the last five years with anything approaching respect. Hardly a good foundation for a relationship.

I wonder how much of a problem this is for long term couples where one person was moderately left and the other was moderately right before everything became massively polarised.

I've never even discussed politics in a relationship as I grew up in a family where my parents voted but never actually discussed how they'd voted.  I know they don't entirely see eye to eye on politics but it's never been spoken about enough to know what they both really think.

I've got a very good friend who votes Tory and always defends the government. It makes me simmer with rage when we talk about it because it's so stupid and the justifications are terrible. However, they're my friend, I like hanging out with them and neither of us is defined by our politics.

I admit I might struggle to stay friends if they were a Nazi or maybe if either of our lives revolved around politics, but they don't. This is how normal people function. You can be a good, fun person and be completely misguided in some areas. They'd probably say the same about me. 

Like, if someone is nice and you enjoy hanging out with them then that's a good enough reason to be friends even if you disagree with some of their views, but if I was with someone who still voted Tory I think I'd find myself thinking, "fook, I am married to a total moron", which would be a bit of a passion killer.

I love debate too, I just wouldn't want to be with someone I just think is fundamentally a bit of an idiot. And unfortunately I do think that about all people who still vote Tory at the moment.

I feel like being "seriously up myself" is entirely justified when faced with these fookwits.

I wouldn't put "no Tories" on my dating profile if I had one, but chances of a second date would be very slim. I can see why some people don't want to waste their time though.

Incidentally, my (very attractive) friend who is online dating at the moment doesn't have anything like that on her profile either, but she definitely has a no Tories policy.

I think what you said about your friend nails the distinction, at least for me, Lady Penelope. Someone having a no Tories policy would be fine, it's when it's such a big thing that it has to go on their dating profile that it's a red flag. 

But that's just it, Rex. She feels (as would I) that a Tory voter who has not reconsidered their views in the last five years enough to stop voting Tory just isn't someone she is ever going to be compatible with.

If they still look at the various options and think, "yep, voting Tory is still preferable to Labour getting in/voting Lib Dem, Green, SNP or whatever/drawing a cock on my ballot paper" then I doubt dating someone like her is going to be the thing that makes them reconsider, and even if it were, she's looking for a partner, not a care in the community project.

I think lp has a point here. Don’t you have to respect a life partner? And if they chose to vote for the anti semite corbyn wouldn’t make that think about whether you respected them?

The whole point is that people only put on their profiles things they feel strongly about.  So anyone who feels the need to mention their leftie tendencies is probably a Corbyn supporter so I'll naturally skip them as suspect we won't have much common ground on anything.  Ditto anyone who says they don't like smoking means they have no intention of going out with anyone who ever touches a cigarette.  Similarly anyone who feels the need to tick the looking for a relationship box and also specifically mention they don't do one night stands is going to be the sort of person who immediately discounts anyone who's ever had a drunken shag.

Risky if they had a decent explanation for why I wouldn't have problem but I'm unlikely to get on with them because voting Corbyn also suggests that they hold other views that would lead them to consider me a nutter.

There are options other than voting for Corbyn or voting for Boris Johnson.

And I'm not sure what their excuse is going to be now Corbyn is now no longer leader.