Dangerous dogs are almost never put down any more

The dog that attacked the police horses won't be and the dogs that killed the walker will all be returned to their owner (may already have been). If you get bitten badly by a neighbour's dog, you'll probably have to accept living alongside it afterwards.

Sure it isn't the dog's fault it's mental but why tf have we reached this insane situation!?

seeing more American “bully dogs” which are as powerful as pit bulls and similarly aggressive and dangerous but not covered by the woeful dangerous dogs act. usually owned by aggressive insecure men or by not very intelligent people - “he wouldn’t hurt a fly! he’s just being friendly” - next week it rips the face of neighbour’s toddler- stupid khunts. 
at least cats only tear non human animals, birds, and insects limb from limb. 

The pendulum swings on these things over time. Obviously not every dog that has bitten someone should be put down but any dog that has hurt someone badly probably should be in my view (however heart breaking for its owner that may be). A few years back dogs were being killed over relatively trivial bites and then there is a reaction to that and it goes the other way. 

Personally I think the ownership of all large/powerful dogs as pets should be phased out over time.

If people want them as guard dogs then they should be licensed and required to maintain insurance etc. 

I think all dogs should have a dog licence and the number should be on the collar which should also be on at all times.

I think any dog that’s bitten a human should be put down immediately.

I think there should be custodial sentences for anyone seen leaving their dog shit on the pavement / in a bag in a tree etc. 

dog walkers should definitely have license and a limit - some kind of regulation, it’s a bloody nightmare in the woods / Heath at times 

I think all dogs should have a dog licence and the number should be on the collar which should also be on at all times.

Seems reasonable

I think any dog that’s bitten a human should be put down immediately.

Bit harsh, some bites open to interpretation, needs clarifying

I think there should be custodial sentences for anyone seen leaving their dog shit on the pavement / in a bag in a tree etc. 

Lol wut?

Sorry but the idea you put down (say) a coton de tulear because it nipped someone’s hand is just mental. 

But equally, it’s hard to see why we allow the risk of people keeping animals that could easily kill a human as companion animals. 

I agree with dog licensing backed with compulsory chipping. 

Any dog off a lead that bites a human should be put down, and the owner should be sent to prison for 5 years minimum. Preferably sharing a cell with Charles Bronson.

Amazing how conservatives and so-called libertarians are in fact the worst kind of ‘papers please’ authoritarians when it comes to their pet (lol) topics.

You just need to enforce reasonable regulation. The reason the streets are covered in shit is there’s no deterrent. The reason badly owned dogs bite people is their owners aren’t risking bad Stuff. You shouldn’t have to shoot them. 

There's a stephen king novel where a sicko kid starts throwing steaks into his neighbour's garden for its dog.  Then one day he throws it one laced with rat poison.  I think it's in IT.

My parents had a horrible dog that they kept alive longer than they should have because of my dad's wierd moral compass that cared only about this particular dog being alive and not about the impact he was having on the mental and physical health of other humans and indeed dogs he came into contact with .


And yes I normally agree it's the owners fault and all to do with the training and encironment etc but this dog was just bad and irredeemable and not a pet. Some are. Although a tiny minority 

The pandemic dog boom has really put me off them. I've stopped trail running altogether after a couple of incidents that made it feel like I was on a countdown to actually getting bitten. 

Also it seems to have become acceptable to bring them into food shops and cafes now too. 

Sticking up for the larger dogs. I’m going to admit to having a dog big enough, and powerful enough to easily kill a human. But I took that responsibility seriously with puppy classes, adolescent classes, and ongoing training classes his whole life. He is big and powerful and cannot be allowed to be out of control or to worry people. I put him on a lead on walks of I see people, and I don’t let him off the lead unless I am confident I have recall.

In my experience it’s the little crappy dogs that are badly trained, snappy, and bite. Owners think they are small enough not to be a worry and so they don’t invest in socialisation and trining. Also, too much fast and reckless breeding to make money in lockdown.

With Highjinx, large dogs tend to look the most intimidating but, aside from a handful of energetic exceptions, they just want to sleep about 18 hours a day.

That said, not enough people know how to train a dog, big or small, properly.    That's the main problem here and I would welcome regulation, licensing to ensure that dogs are not needlessly put down because their owners don't know the first thing about training.

Surely collar, tag and microchip are already compulsory? Unfortunately the bad owners are the ones who don't bother with the existing rules so I doubt more rules will help. Bad dogs have clueless or bad owners- both equally dangerous.

Snowdog was a biter before we took her in. She isn't now but had had no training, and she's now well trained and utterly adorable. 

“I think any dog that’s bitten a human should be put down immediately.”

Shocking that our community includes people who go around seeming reasonably normal yet harbour flatly unacceptable views like this that should get you drummed out of civil society.

Dog owners could pay a supplemental council tax. A compensation fund for anyone who gets attacked or blinded by dogshit. Exemptions for guide dogs and ones employed on farms.   

Maybe we could just have a base council tax to cover base services everyone uses and then people can build by adding modules based on personal usage. Dog owners pay a fee per dog because some of their number leave turds in street/hanging off trees to cover the cost of removal.  People with kids pay a fee per kid for using education services to cover the cost of provision.

Count me in.

Because responsible dog owners will pay the licence fees and the irresponsible dog owners will not. It’s just a tax on responsibility. It will not stop people.

I mean dogs are ok. Cats are ok. Donkeys are fine too. It's just the industrial scale of it all and we need to stop the illegals. I feel like a dog bigot. Stop the Small Dogs!