Can anyone be photogenic?

My nemesis looks amazing in photos and I look like Shrek - grrrrrr

I am disappointed in you, Judo.  Out there, in the real world, you are an ambassador for this website, and we expect you to notice, form a view upon and describe - in great detail - the size, shape, texture and quality of the norkage you encounter out there.


Shape up, missy, or you'll be out on your ear.  Got it?

errr, they are normal.

I don't really pay attention to boobs.

Personally, I think that very small boobs are the best as one can wear low cut dresses without looking vulgar.

Clerghers - we must meet for something fizzy or some frose (which I have never had) next time you are in London, so that I can show you the latest photos.  She makes me so cross.

The best photos are always when you don't even know there's a camera there, just doing normal stuff, playing sports with the kids, parties etc.

Not posing or pulling a funny face, worrying about what your best side is. Those things that some people worry about.

Judo there is an art to being photogenic. That's why models get paid an awful lot to do it. 

Years ago I attended a photography class about working with models and learned that the most photogenic poses have nothing to do with presenting yourself normally.

A model standing in clothes who looks 'normal' to us in a photo is actually contorting her body almost 45% bendier than normal. Deliberately holding arms and legs in different and whole unnatural positions, twisting the upper torso and the facial expressions and angle to the camera are key. 

It takes practice. 

Wot Scylla says. The Russians (*waves @ Dux*) get this.

Russian women are seemingly taught how to do this as every tourist site in Russia you get all the women basically doing the same pose, twisting round, tilting the head etc whilst all the Western tourists are standing square on to the camera.

Judy Carter15 Apr 19 17:27

Personally, I think that very small boobs are the best as one can wear low cut dresses without looking vulgar.


And let me guess - you've got no rack?