Brexit Derangement Syndrome

on today's mentalist twitter watch

Oddly a lot of conservatives angry that the conservatives are doing a deal with arch conservative Jeremy Corbyn so that arch conservative Jeremy Corbyn can live his dream of getting britain out of Margaret Thatcher's single market. 

Also, people seem to be angry about manifesto pledges not being honoured so expect that dementia tax any day now. 

There was some mad ERG member on the news this morning, 'Will of the people three years ago, manifesto' etc etc.

Have you ever thought about compromising for the benefit of the British economy now that things have become a lot clearer ?

No, why should I?


dementia tax what a huge lol.

speaking as someone who has just spent 2 days trying to find SELF FUNDED care for her elderly stepmum.

people, whether you pay for it or not, you will get no help from social services. All I got was a 65 page pdf of local services, 50 pages of which was about early learning help and the rest about the difficulties in finding help for elderly, funded or not.

you’re on your own, whether you pay or not. Help for elderly is not on any sort of emergency need to know in advance by months if your loved one needs care.

Be warned.