Banning cigarettes for young people

increasing the minimum age by a year, every year.…

Quite a good idea imho

Yeah this has been knocking around a while. I'm unconvinced it will work seeing as "existing" adults will just buy them for "new" adults. I realise grandfather rights do exist but this is a bit more widespread than the few people who want to drive a Luton van on a pre-1997 Cat B or whatever. 

They should have done it years ago. The youth of today aren't like the youth of 20 years ago. Chatting to a teacher at my former school, loads of us smoked when we were there. Hardly any do now - stigmatised, which is a great thing. 

I don't think smoking is like sugary drinks or alcohol at all.

It's perfectly possible to have a healthy relationship with food and drink. The only healthy relationship to have with smoking is not to do it. 

Smoking costs the NHS £2.5bn per year.  Obesity costs the NHS £6.1bn per year.  Alcohol costs the NHS £3.5bn per year.  

Just because you may like them doesn't mean they are any less of a problem to society compared to smoking. 

New Zealand doesn't have a large number of east Europeans who chain smoke for their nations.  Good luck enforcing that.

Have they exported all their local equivalent Bogans to the Western Suburbs?

The run off period for current adult smokers is so long that it will be impossible to ensure that more people don't start and thus keep up the pressure to continue sales. 

It seems to me that taxation is the main driver of

It seems to me that awareness and taxation are the main drivers of falling rates. Awareness is as good as it can be so that only leave further taxation. 

it’s certainly an innovative idea but outside of raising the smoking age to discourage young people taking it up i can’t see how it would work in practice long term unless it just introduces an outright ban on cigarettes 

otherwise in ten or so years a 31 year old will still be able to buy cigarettes but a 29 year old won’t? they’re both adults seems mad

My cleaning lady, who is Bulgarian, says that for the last 9 months, every passenger arriving by plane  from Bulgaria gets  all their luggage searched for cigarettes. 

Tobacco companies are pretty evil, people should generally be free to do what they want but their products are highly addictive, are lethal and offer no benefit. Tobacco companies spent many years lying about what their products do. They still make them now knowing that they kill people and are addictive. I believe but cba to find the link that most people who smoke want to quit.

It bears no relationship to eating which you have to do. It bears little relationship to alcohol which can be addictive and harmful but to many is not.

It also harms other people.