Anyone following the sentencing of Calocane

Mr Justice Turner has a very difficult task on his hands. 
The families will never be satisfied for obvious reasons. The partial defence of DR sits uncomfortably for them with the acts which brought about their loved ones’ death. 
The technicalities of psychiatric evidence and hospital/hybrid orders are very tricky. An appeal minefield. 

Sent to a secure hospital.

the problem with this "indefinite" sentence is he's a paranoid schizophrenic and this can be controlled by medication.  How many years will he actually serve before the Doctors proclaim his condition under control and release him.

I fully understand the anger and frustration of the victims families.

There was a criminal solicitor on the local news saying that the Judge could order a hybrid sentence.  That is that he is sent to a secure hospital until he "recovers" at which point off to jail to serve the sentence.  I am not a criminal lawyer so have no idea if this is correct.

As with all these people, if you are relying on medication to say that the condition is controlled, then you would need to keep them in a secure place to ensure that the medication is taken (I understand that he failed to take it in the first place).  A quandary indeed.

Sorry, I see that Muttley mentioned hybrid orders.  All this comes down to for me is that as a parent with a child doing A levels this year, it goes to a real fear about moving from a broadly safe environment to one which is filled with random violence.

Barnaby's mum said:


“We trusted in our system, foolishly as it turns out. We do not dispute that the murderer is mentally unwell and has been for a number of years.

“However the pre-mediated planning, the collection of lethal weapons, hiding in the shadows and brutality of the attacks are that of an individual who knew exactly what he was doing. He knew entirely that it was wrong but he did it anyway.”


Does the planning, collection of weapons etc. impact DR in any way? 


Also, why do some cases stay local - as in this case - and some are dealt with in the Old Bailey?