A former Skadden associate based in London has pleaded guilty to lying to US investigators conducting a probe into Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

According to prosecutors, Dutch national Alex van der Zwaan Van helped draft a 2012 report by Skadden for the administration of then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. It defended the conviction of Yanukovych’s bitter rival and predecessor, Yulia Tymoshenko, taking a position contrary to the US and the EU, which contend that her prosecution was politically motivated. The report was secretly paid for by two Trump campaign aides, Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, who were simultaneously lobbying on behalf of Yanukovych in the States and who, said prosecutors, used offshore accounts to clandestinely pay Skadden’s $4 million bill for the report.

When he was first quizzed by US authorities in November 2017, 33-year-old van der Zwaan told them that his last contact with Gates was a trivial text in August 2016, and that he last talked with ‘Person A’, an unnamed figure in Ukraine, in 2014. He also played down his contributions to the Tymoshenko report.

    The Lying Dutchman 

But prosecutors alleged that he actually communicated with Gates and Person A as late as September 2016, days after Manafort was forced to quit the Trump campaign when it emerged that he was essentially a paid agent for Ukraine. According to prosecutors, van der Zwaan, Gates and Person A then discussed their worries that Ukrainian prosecutors might bring criminal charges over the report. Van der Zwaan and Person A also discussed whether a former Ukrainian minister of justice, Manafort and Skadden might be charged. Prosecutors said he also called a senior Skadden partner, and deleted and failed to produce emails requested by the special counsel and Skadden.

In a statement Skadden said it sacked van der Zwaan in 2017 and was cooperating with authorities. It said, “the conduct to which Alex has pled guilty is contrary to our values, policies and expectations”. His defence lawyer said he hoped his punishment for making America great again would be over by August, so he could return home to Notting Hill in time for his wife to give birth. She is the daughter of German Khangives who is, how about that, a Russian oligarch.
Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 23 February 18 08:46

I remember this guy! He was president of the KCL Law Society in around 2005. Always seemed a bit 'trumped' up even then ...

Anonymous 23 February 18 09:25

Struggling to understand this. If this was work on a Skadden file, while a Skadden Associate, and the way the file was handled was inappropriate, why is it only the Associate in trouble and not one or more partners or the firm?

Or is the point around his having lied to the US authorities about who he spoke to when? In which case - again - was he the only person on this file communicating with the firm's client at the time?

Anonymous 23 February 18 09:32

Trying to follow US politics is like Pamela Ewing in Dallas when she wakes up and realises the entire season has been a dream

Anonymous 23 February 18 09:41

Anon 9:25: Destruction of evidence seems to be a point raised in the article too. And the fact that he lied, which was the sole charge against him.

Looking at the Washington Post's coverage, it clarifies:

"In a court appearance, the 33-year-old pleaded guilty to one count of making a false statement to investigators, a felony. He is facing a recommended sentence ranging from zero to six months in prison when he is sentenced April 3."

Anonymous 23 February 18 10:05

In brief, if I read well:
1. 4 million USD for a report is pretty high, especially if the report is full of phony political science.
2. More surprising: a supposedly decent law firm drafted what is basically a political memo for a corrupt head of state against a political opponent.
3. That law firm accepted to be paid via off shore accounts by Trump's aides.
Not likely to be on their website under "Our Principles, our Values - our approch to Coprorate social responsibility"

Anonymous 23 February 18 11:26

Skadden Arps... whoda thunk? I'm a little bit surprised that they feel they have to go after the Oligarch dollar.

Anonymous 24 February 18 17:33

I worked with this guy at Skadden years ago. Not surprised by this at all. Even as a trainee he did things in his own special way. It’s also not the first time a story about him has appeared on RoF (though the last story was kept anonymous for some reason).

Anonymous 24 February 18 18:44

Confirmation of what I wrote on Friday :