What was the moment at which you recognised the beginning of your physical decline?

How old were you?

What was it?

Did it change anything about your diet/exercise routine/habits?

it's been coming for about 3/4 years - there is a particularly harsh downlight in our bathroom.  i look in the mirror in the morning and now see my father's face.


but it was really parkrun results the other day.  i was a bit disappointed by my time, but realised it was the equivalent "age graded" time as a reasonable time a couple of years ago. 


based on friends and facebook (for the less seen friends) the period from 45-50 is when it all happens.  

A friend of mine played sport (American football) to a fairly high level. On his 50th birtday he was asked whether he could still throw those perfect long spiral passes.

Of course, he replied, if I could run around the field. Its always the legs that go first.

late 30s when two of my lower back discs exploded.  My eye sight started to rapidly decline (I have a retinal condition).  Late 40s, I blew out an ACL sitting on the sofa.  Really can't figure that one out...

People do remain looking relatively youthful these says, always shocked when you see pictures of people in the 1970s and 80s who look really old and find out they were younger than you are now.  Smoking  and thick glasses I guess

Age 45 almost to the dot.  The 5 or 6 years before that I had got fitter each year having got (quite) fat and (very) out of shape in my mid to late 30s. At 44 I was the fittest I had been since I was 25.  

Suddenly though a few (fairly minor) medical issues arose, I started to pick up more injuries training. Recovery has started getting longer and harder. I get really knackered if I train hard. Like train hard in the morning need an hour long nap in the afternoon! 

I think from here on in the key is not to try to push anything too hard. 

About 5 years ago. Struggled to see the goal at the other end of the ground. Neighbour is an optometrist. Told me the eyes were always the first thing to go and it's all downhill from there. 

Also, I noticed that when I shave, there's a lag between my head looking up into the mirror which is shortly followed by my face. 

interestingly Guy, my sister sent a picture to the family group on Friday asking if anyone recognised the woman in the photo.  I thought it looked like our childhood housekeeper but she'd be in her 80s now and the woman looked late 50s at most... it turned out it was the housekeeper.

I was wondering if people were looking younger today or does that correlate to me being older.  Carol Kirkwood is in her 60s, yet, I still would..

I am thinking the  men more than the women Eddie, in part because everyone seemed to lose their hair early but then tried to cover it with comb overs etc that made them look old.   

one day I was brushing my teeth and looking down. As I looked up I caught sight of myself in the mirror and the eyebags that had been hanging down had not corrected and just sat there like two occular scrotums.  That was the day I knew I was turning into my father.

I think it's happened to me chaps. 38 surfing winter swells all through the season and one time went for a duck dive (to go under a wave while paddling out) and my board got sucked out of my grip underwater and smashed back into my face hard enough that my two lower front teeth went through my face.

Shaving today I realised it's scarred and I have two little white hyphens just under my lip.

Maybe not do that anymore.

I went on a health kick some time back and am much fitter now than I was say five years ago in my mid-thirties. My mum is very sprightly in her mid-60s, no medical conditions to speak of, Im hoping I’ve landed some of that genetic material.

Early 30s - stepped down from high level rubgy

Mid 30's played vets rugby (35+) as it was like being young again

Early 40's completed an Ironman

Mid 40s - focus now on maintaining muscle and mobility...have cut right back on running...plenty of swimming, weights, biking, BJJ etc

So I'd say early 30s it starts - but we adapt

I’ve always been really shite at moderation when it comes to diet and exercise. I swing from no exercise and poor diet to full on lifting five times per week plus cycling and incredibly disciplined nutrition. This can produce weight swings of >20kg of bodyfat. It’s not a healthy way to do it and I wish I could be more moderate because I know it’s going to become much harder to pull off this trick in my mid-40s.

Probably a week into my 30's when I managed to snap both Achilles in a race, when aiming for a PB.  These days I am in awe at my 20-something-year-old self and the times I used to get without training. And I still train 3/4 times a week!

45 for me.  I started doing the "manual zoom" thing as my eyesight deteriorated.  Then, after being slimmish all my adult life, pounds started adding on out of nowhere.  My neck creaks ominously.    And I look like my mum in photos.  It's depressing but better than the alternative.

Skiing sure finds you out. I find this week I have “ forgotten” how to get up after a fall, I just youtubed it and see there is now a new technique tf for that.

Skiing is also the only yime I have a bath, you have to fill deep to float enough to lever out, that and badedas which lubricates your limbs.


All this with 7+ hrs in the gym a week incl masses of weights

The skiing itself no problemo I am fittest ever, FFS!!!

I do 2 or 3 hours of exercise a week. 


recently i pulled a calf muscle jogging slowly on a treadmill. i think this is a sign of decline!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

With hindsight it was my first bout of Covid. 

Haven’t been quite the same since. Nothing major but it knocked 1 or 2% off fitness, stamina that I just haven’t been able to recover. Subsequent injuries, illnesses are all now just taking that little bit longer to shake off and I’m not bouncing back as fast as before. 

I'm late 30s and have really started to notice this.  I can't play football any more as I pull my hamstrings or roll my ankles every time, I have years-old injuries in my feet that never really heal and flare up now and again, constant ligament issues in arms and shoulders, massive bags under my eyes and crows feet visible, jawline starting to sag... fvcking sux man.

Mostly I am becoming frighteningly obsessed with golf.