Has Apple done a Ratner?

seems the launch of the new Ipad has not gone down very well...

it probably is, I can't see a use case for an Ipad other than a really expensive distraction for children.

Tim Apple shared a video on twitter, the reaction has not been good.

I actually really like my iPad. I use it for reading books (no kindle) and I also do like casual browsing on it etc for long form journalism etc or a YouTube video.

TV is for watching films or a series or something.

Laptop for working and 'posting on the internet' or 'sharing my genius with the world' or whatever you want to call it

Ipad is great for reading books and newspapers in bed and when travelling and occasionally watching some stuff on TV especially when away from home and you don't need or want to take a laptop with you.

I use an ipad a lot - for taking handwritten notes, reading and annotating pdfs, and I use it in court/arbitrations as my hearing bundle. I have a laptop too of course. 

I love my ipad.  I use it all the time - for reading newspapers and books (kindle app), watching TV in bed or on the train, email, social media, note taking, etc.


I have no love for the advert.

Yes, all of them Jelly. But imagine taking Clapton's million dollar Strat guitar, crushing it in a hydraulic press to iPad size, then giving it back to him.

Here Eric, here's an iPad as well, I'm sure you'll find it better.

Well it’s getting everyone talking about the new iPad (which I didn’t even know was coming out) so that’s something. 

I doubt anyone who was in the market for a really thin iPad is going to refuse to buy one because they made a crappy ad.