A poem slating the practices of Ince & Co is doing the email rounds in the City and beyond. It doesn't quite scan, it doesn't quite rhyme, but an excellent effort nonetheless.

The customary missive from Ince's
is not short or sweet but evinces
unfriendly intent
to the recipient
in lengthy words it rarely minces.
Such letters though strong on invective
with facts can be somewhat selective.
The cursory store
that they set by the law
may render them less than effective.
"Our client instructs us to say
you must settle up by yesterday
for the vessel now lost,
twice that for our costs,
and interest at five grand a day"
The riposte "May we beg to inform
you where you can stick your claim form.
Your claim is a fable,
there's nowt on the table,
your conduct is outside the norm."

Jolly good, laureates all round.

If you've written an ode to your firm
RollOnFriday would like to confirm
If you've got a thick skin
And you email it in
Then we'll post it and watch them all squirm.

Tip Off ROF
