Here we go - 16 & 17 year olds to be offered the vaccine

Which will be rolled out in the coming weeks. You can see the narrative now. "We cannot release all restrictions until all 16/17 years have been jabbed, and that wont happen until expiration of the Corona Virus Act. So we will renew the Act for x months, and then it is done. Just a few more weeks/months then we can get rid of the Act." 

What happened to it all being over , when the vulnerable had been jabbed?

Not sure it’s good or bad news, Davos. It’s either appropriate or it isn’t. No doubt SAGE will try to use it as an in to push restrictions while simultaneously undermining the vaccine (see today’s independent). 

I am not overly fussed as long as SAGE don't use the lack of jabs in the over 16s as an excuse to lift all restrictions, or reimpose old ones. Talking about SAGE, where have they been, not seen them about of late.


Has Sajid silenced them? I hope so.

I understand Bensons for Beds have a masks instore policy with zero exemptions for any special circumstances.  Too much risk of the anti-masker lobby shitting the bed instore. 

this thread does typify that tendency that Chinp likes to describe as “Team Sane”, where people interpret blatantly good things (vaccinating more people thereby reducing the spread of the virus and moving us nearer to the point where it doesn’t impede everyday life) as a bad thing because nuts.

The Team Sane/Team Zealot distinction has now broken down as Team Sane members now point to rising hospitalisation numbers as proof of being right somehow, while Team Zealot members prize the ability to chin unencumbered. It’s all backwards, vaccines wrecked the whole paradigm.

Couldn't give a fraction of a fùck about any of this covid nonsense anymore. It's been over for weeks. The elderly and ill still dying from it are mere statistics, the young and healthy dying from it are massive freakish outliers to be ignored.

Pubs are open, gym is open, everything else is open, masks are gone, zulu foxtrot. 

Get a jab if offered, get back out and live your life. The sniffles has lost, and the reactionaries look ever more foolish as each free day passes.

the more people that are vaccinated the less likely restrictions being re-imposed become, I simply cannot understand why team sane cannot get their head around this- vaccination is a good thing.  I can only assume they just want an excuse to keep on whinging.

Can't stress enough I'm a pro-vaccine person; still not sure the risk/benefit analysis sits well with under 18s getting vaccinated as they can't really give consent to it - I want it to be an informed choice made by everyone.

What is awful is that for kids who have relatives overseas they may be denied entry if they aren't vaccinated, even if they aren't allowed a vaccine in their home country. This kind of shit is very bad and needs sorting. Much like the rest of the travel bans.

I dont think kids are really at risk of death or acute hospitalisation but they are at risk of long covid and any unknown very long term risks of contracting the disease.    If I were a parent I think on balance I would want my child to have it post puberty.   From a global perspective however it clearly makes more sense to vaccinate the vulnerable across the globe before vaccinating kids here.

I assume these "I am restricted" clowns bemoan the 70mph speed limit on motorways as they chug along at 69mph? De facto you are not under any restrictions unless you want to travel abroad, just social embarrassment if you happen to go to a supermarket where most of the customers are over 60. 

I assume you can still get married when 16 in Scotland so can't see any issue with this from a "think of the children!" perspective. 

As for the travel ban, I think that's a minor issue at the moment. There will be a handful of children that can't see parents, but I am afraid seeing auntie Joan is not a human right. If you are encumbered with Antipodean heritage then blame your idiotic countrymen for their isolationist immigration policies that have translated into transporting their own people to other countries for fear of a virus there's a proven "cure" for. 

The situation in Australia is ridiculous and inhumane.

I think they are letting a few hundred people in a day at most.  Flights are extremely difficult to get and even if you can find one it is probably prohibitively expensive.  Then there is the quarantine at personal expense followed by crazy restrictions once you eventually win your 'freedom' from the prison camp they put you in on arrival.

There are people who have not seen elderly and dying relatives for years and have no realistic prospect of ever seeing them again.  

I'm also pissed at them because they were an excellent source of young, fit and physically attractive women on 2 year working visas who would populate the bars and nightclubs of LDN every weekend.  This has, obviously, stopped since they basically closed their borders.  

In Sept 1956 my father had a letter from the medical authorities saying they were "horrified" by how he had been treated and had passed his letter to the Ministry of Labour. He had been called up for national service after WWII and first  rejected after a medical test in 1955 I think it was , called up , rejected then told he needed another test on and on and on so he could not even take a permanent job as a doctor as he did not know where he stood. The pandemic rules and the way the state keeps laws in place as long as they can (even to 1956 following a war which ended in 1945).

the real problem in Australia is how slowly vaccines are being rolled out - this is going to keep them in trouble for a long time to come.

Bolloxed up the procurement apaz.  

You are not team sane Laz - you wanted restrictions lifted relatively early that’s all - true  team sane involves also somehow seeing vaccinations (in a way I confess I don’t fully understand) as part of the problem rather than part of the solution; it also involves believing our society has somehow changed fundamentally for the worse for the forseeable future

Bolloxed up the procurement apaz. 

Not quite.  Took the Macron* line and did their best to make taking the AZ vaccine sound like a death sentence.

*Somebody who genuinely has blood on his hands.

I consider myself to be Team Sane.

  • I am against restrictions now we know that the virus poses virtually no threat the overwhelming majority of people.
  • I think the 'benefit' of masks outside of a clinical environment is questionable and have long ceased wearing one myself.  
  • I have been vaccinated however was late to the party because I wanted more information before I took an experimental vaccine which is currently operating on an emergency authorisation.  
  • I have no problems if people want to make personal risk-based decisions to maintain social distancing, stay at home, or wear masks in public.  Just please don't try and force any of this on me.  

Quite clearly none of the above is an extremist viewpoint.  Yet some people appear to be suggesting that it is?

I have been vaccinated however was late to the party because I wanted more information before I took an experimental vaccine which is currently operating on an emergency authorisation.

Sorry but this bit marks you out as a bit of an extremist.  You're reciting things you've read on social media when you don't really understand them (or else you wouldn't be using American terminology which isn't applicable in the UK).