Wish it were legal to taze people who cycle on the pavement

I would need so many recharges round these parts

Smug shirts wearing bitches toppled like skittles

(Bitches is a unisex term of disapprobation I'm not using sexist hate speech)

RR reminded me of the series of exchanges between the woman who lost her dog and the Doc Prod guy she tried to get to create flyers for her. Anyone remember that?

Where I live the whole pedestrian v cyclist thing is exacerbated by the council making "cycle lanes" that are really just pavements with a blue sign with a bike on. Ie no marked out lane and not really comfortable when you have a pedestrian and cyclist side by side .

Sometimes it feels like you'll have to either piss off the drivers or the pedestrians whichever choice you make. Meh .


I actually dislike pavement cycling still do it along one stretch on the way home because the road is too unsafe and there is no alternative. 

Blame the council, not the person on the bike. 

That said, if you're on the pavement on your bike you owe it to the other pavement users to get out of their way. 

I dislike cyclists being on the road. They just get in the way. 

“Oh BuT tHeY’rE oUr RoAdS tOo” 

Are they though? If you didn’t pay road tax for your bike then it’s not your road too, get the fcuk out of the way. 

Same goes for horses. They’re walking - walk on the pavement just like everyone else, you four legged dcik. 

Amit- I do where the pavement is busy tbf. The bit I rode on is by the side of a stretch of very busy road that goes between two places that very few pedestrians go between. On any day that I rode on it I would probably encounter maximum 5 pedestrians on a 2km stretch. I either stop and let them pass or give them a very wide berth if there's space. 

I don't like doing it but the road isn't safe to ride on and it would piss off a lot more people if I did ride on it. Not my fault that the council thinks bike infrastructure means shared riverside paths rather than arterial bike lanes going between places that people want or need to go between. 

As for the trite argument about road tax:

1. There's no such thing.

2. To the extent you pay duty on your car, it doesn't even nearly cover the cost of road infrastructure. 

Is it not?

It seems to be legal to taser literally anyone else, with full voice support from the authoritarians of ROF - see response to my aussie granny taser thread.

Conversely .   I was yesterday stuck behind a cyclist on a road with a fully separated (by a concrete barrier) and tarmacked two way cycle line running along side.   WTF?  He was clearly only doing it to piss off drivers.

bUt iF IT wErEN’t fOr THe rIGHt tO tASeR GranNiEs mOrE pEoplE woULd dIE

yeah I do recall all the unarmed police being dead, prior to the roll out of tasers

bikes on pavements are a danger

more roads should have cycle lanes and be wider generally

or we should do what Germans do and have wider pavements with cycle lanes marked out on them

a couple of times I have been minded to stand my ground and see what happens

A fully grown person, on a heavy bike, travelling at speed, will slam into you with devastating consequences for your health and a slightly late curry for a random stranger.

Best of luck.

A fully grown person, on a heavy bike, travelling at speed, will slam into you with devastating consequences for your health and a slightly late curry for a random stranger.

Best of luck.

RR - curse your logic

the taser it is then

the number of times I have been nearly run over by Deliveroo e cyclists is staggering

They are generally atrocious cyclists and highlight one of the pitfalls of ebikes which is that you can reach great speeds without having spent the time on a bike that you have traditionally needed to average 25kph, or whatever they are limited to where you live. 

Carry a titanium stick and slam it into their spokes as they whizz by. Remember to let go if you don't want a broken wrist. 


i’ll remember to call and ambulance and not just carry on my way to Sainsburys

"They are generally atrocious cyclists and highlight one of the pitfalls of ebikes which is that you can reach great speeds without having spent the time on a bike that you have traditionally needed to average 25kph, or whatever they are limited to where you live. "


I think ebikes are purposely limited, at least in the uk to prevent this.  The limit is 15mph for assistance, which most even beginner cyclists will achieve on the flat unassisted anyway.  They are really designed to assist with acceleration, cycling uphill and into a headwind rather than speeding you up.

The limit is 15mph for assistance, which most even beginner cyclists will achieve on the flat unassisted anyway

Guy - I tried an ebike recently - needed to get from Fitzrovia to Green Park in 15-20 mins and there were tube delays that day. Was a lot faster than I would have cycled and I found it challenging to keep the speed down - try to accelerate and immediately you’re at 15mph. It’s the rate of acceleration as well as the speed that’s the danger as well as how quiet it is

it is true there are plenty of online tutorials that show you how to tinker to remove the speed limit for assistance.

Not sure why anyone would find it hard to keep speed down though, power only kicks in when you pedal  just pedal less!

I do not think the untampered bike speed creates a safety risk, ebikes are generally much heavier than other bikes and will most people struggle to actually make them go much faster than 15mph on the flat compared to non normal road bikes.   

Rham - I think you should start a prison visiting or at least correspondence relationship with the partially sighted & disabled woman who has been thrown in chokey for waving her hands at a pavement cyclist. Stand in solidarity with her. Or better still, represent her pro bono in her appeal. There must be a tax aspect to it somewhere.

The road tax argument is horse shit

Roads are paid for from general taxation

It's vehicle excise duty you're thinking of 

A large percentage of cyclists myself included are car owners anyway

Unsurprisingly there is a big correlation between being financially incentivised to get places quickly and being dangerous on the roads - this applies to Deliveroo cyclists and taxi drivers