Coke Zero vs Diet Coke

I bought some coke zero this week as it was on offer and diet coke wasn't.  Never again, it tastes vile! 

Might help wean me off the stuff though, every cloud and all that

anyone who drinks diet coke for a long time tends to find full coke too sweet, coke zero tries to taste as much like full coke as possible.  I find it too sweet and somehow flatter tasting.

odd, I find them identical - or at least I couldn't tell the difference in a blind test.  But then I almost certainly could not tell between Diet Pepsi/Pepsi Max and either of the Cokes 

I find DC sweeter and it tastes less like the real thing.

I've accidentally drunk cherry zero and it was fvcking rank.

I can even tell the difference between the different kinds of packaging.  Coke from a glass bottle tastes like nothing else.

Coke does taste better out of glass bottles.  No idea why - maybe there is a metallic aftertaste when it comes out of the cans.  I'd say glass bottles best, then plastic bottles, then finally cans.  

I've just bought a diet coke (caffeine free) to test. It's not as bad as I remember. Just a bit sweetener-y. Have they changed the recipe in the last 30 years or so? 

Coke Zero is massively better than DC which is rank

another vote for cherry Coke Zero. Tastes a bit like Dr Pepper. Cherry Pepsi max on the other hand tastes like cough mixture. Grim.