will haaland break the record 4 goals in a season?
The Oracle of Delphi 02 Oct 22 15:25
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currently just under 2 per game

if he stays fit, can’t see him failing. gets absolute gifts from de bruyne, b silva, grealish

He should break it 

Guess it's a question of whether the FA investigates why he gets 300k a week from CFG before he breaks it. One would guess they won't bother investing or counting it towards FFP.

Haaland is basically a cheat code 

the only people who can beat city this season are the mighty, mighty arsenal, only one of the big london clubs aligned with the forces of light

FFP is bulkshit, kill it with fire, I want to see multibillion fantasy football, england like italy was in the late 80s, where all the stars want to play 

Spoken like a true oil fan club boy 

It shocks me that people that have followed football for years don't want some kind of financial control. The positives of it (done properly) far outweighs the negatives 


United fans are the worst in the premier league. Imagine leaving the ground before half time when your team needs you. Off the back of a 4 game winning streak too. Absolutely dreadful 

I’m with Laz. I watch City with a mixture of pleasure and astonishment. Much better to have them in our league regardless of funding. A bunch of exceptionally talented players plying their trade as anyone would wish to. I’m all in. 

Correct. And of course United have spent more money that’s City.

Much better than watching plastic teams with tourists for ‘fans’ or whose ‘fans’ all leave before half time because their team is losing. Have some loyalty ffs.


Citeh's owners have spent 6.5 billion more than glazers 

That's a huge swing and the only thing that makes citeh win football matches 

It's also meant the Etihad is half full and it's tends to be tourists. All taking photos of martial taking a penalty, red kits in the home end as they don't know who they are supporting, eerily quiet and no atmosphere. 

It's a shocking reflection on football that the best/most expensive team in the world seems to be turning real football fans away 

Davos m7 what the world saw yesterday is the Blue Camp bursting at the seams (I believe Neville said on sky that the gantry was shaking) everywhere except the away end, which was empty by half time 😂

Tbf Avanti are having a mare so they would have been keen to get an early train back south but still 

He is perhaps a very rare example (perhaps also Tiger in his pomp) of being so much better than everyone else it is almost unfair, it puts the game a bit out of whack.

"Citeh's owners have spent 6.5 billion more than glazers"

Gonna need to see the receipts for that one!

Anyway Davos, am sure we can agree it's the mark of a crap fickle fanbase to leave a game at half time, isn't it?

Who cares what they spend or where it came from? People and organisations with money might as well spend it on stuff we can enjoy. I don't get much diversion from Roman A's yacht collection. 

wot unk and laz sed

there’s no such thing as noble financial doping in football. and even if there were, the passage of time doesn’t ennoble it either 

manyoo made this bed starting in the l7 80s. it’s wonderful they now have 2 lie in it

""Citeh's owners have spent 6.5 billion more than glazers""

Sure. It's a bit of an estimation but citeh's owners have put in circa 4.5 billion and glazers have taken out circa 150m for 20 odd years.

Happy to say between 5.5bn -7.5bn owner net spend difference. Either way, point stands. 

Criticising working class fans for leaving at half time instead of criticising tourists for not turning up to start with is slightly misjudged in my humble opinion 

"Criticising working class fans for leaving at half time instead of criticising tourists for not turning up to start with is slightly misjudged in my humble opinion"

Leaving a game at half time is a working class thing is it?  Aha!  I thought it was the behaviour of a petulant spoilt fanbase used to success and now being unable to handle it

‘I often think that Davos is a city fan because everything he says sounds exactly as if he was talking about manyoo‘

heh! Exactly. Classic deflection. Accuse others of that which you are guilty etc.

Never seen so many away fans leave so early in a match.