Who do we reckon Boris will instruct to represent him at the COVID inquiry?

Peters & Peters? 

Peter Principle24 May 23 16:16

Whoever it is, do we think he will have learnt the lesson that you have to pay for your own lawyer to get client confidentiality?


he;s not really the learning type

Davos202124 May 23 19:42

Why are we paying for his legal fees?


it seems that ministers are indemnified for legal costs arising from challenges to their conduct while ministers

I am not sure if the rule that applies to insurance and generally under similar corporaye schemes, where if you are found finally guilty of criminality you have to pay it all back/foot it yourself applies to ministers, being that they granted themselves this power I suspect it is in effect a blank taxpayer cheque


He committed crimes 

There are currently broke people being punished in the courts for the same thing, having legal aid rep, and trump, sorry Boris, gets those types to pay for his lawyers


What siort of gotcha are you hoping for here Heffalump? 

It seems that the UK government response was identical to every other developed  country's except Sweden ( at one end of the scale) and New Zealand (the other). 

The only major difference was we were much quicker developing and rolling out a vaccine.

Wrong.  The mistiming and dithering meant we went into hard lockdown far longer than most comparable countries.   I am not sure the government of every country handed out billions to their mates for useless PPE and hairbrained test and trace schemes either.