Which fictional character could save the world?

Inspired by the Moscow/scud thread, which fictional character do you think could actually come in and make the world a better place if they were real? I’m struggling because my first choice - Gandalf - wouldn’t last long against a sniper.

Anyone submitting “God” gets minus points for a lack of originality.

Tbf given the panto baddy quality of Putin’s regime 007 is probably the right answer.

Dropped in behind enemy lines to thwart a plan to plant a dirty bomb in a Ukrainian nuclear power plant. Grapples with various Wagner henchmen, boffs Mrs Putin, chucks Vlad out of a red square tower. Rescues damsel in distress. Home in time for tea and medals. 


''After victory in World War II, Britain was a relieved but also a profoundly traumatized country. Simon Winder, born into this nation of uncertain identity, fell in love (as many before and since) with the man created as the antidote, a quintessentially British figure of great cultural significance: James Bond.''

So basically Bertha you're also nominating JIM