When Harry Met Sally

This popped up on tv last night and watched for the first time in about twenty years.   I thought I remembered really enjoying it, but now I find both lead characters so intensely irritating I could ony get half way through the film....Sally is whiny and rather pathetic, worrying about being a spinster in her early 30s  and Harry is just a dick.  The film would perhaps work better if Sally was played by somebody less stunning than Meg Ryan which makes all the worries about being left on the shelf unbelievable, even though she is incredibly irritating.

That scene is still amusing however.

not suprising given he was in his 40s when the film was made.    He was playing way below his age even still by the end of the film, never mind the college days prelude.


yeah but Friends characters (admittedly made a few years later) still seem mostly likeable (except when they are not supposed to be) and vaguely relateable, Harry and Sally do not.  Perhaps there was a big change between the late 80s and mid 90s, or perhaps the characters in the film were always a pain in the arse I just did not notice so much when younger.

This puts me in mind of recommending to my millennial brother in law to watch my favourite Christmas film, Trading Places. He h8d it, said it was too old and too racist(!)

More than when harry met sally, in that genre / era, I think the best of all is Four Weddings and a Funeral. 

Planes Trains & Automobiles edges Trading Places by a fair few notches. Or even Uncle Buck.

As for friends - that thing is on repeat at my household. Got the little one hooked as well - the only "old telly" that she has come to like. 



I love Planes Trains and Automobiles too.  Not such a huge fan of Uncle Buck, although very watchable.

Four Weddings is ruined by that bloody is it raining woman who is awful throughout.

When you watch the old classics now (Trading places, Road House, Beverly Hills Cop etc.) it is surprising how many boobs are shown. You do not see that so much anymore. 

Its aged a lot more, and the characters are far more annoying than Friends tbh.  Worfettes both been through Friends phases recently and its still funny and the characters still pleasant and relateable. Tho Ross tbh was and remains an annoying dweeb.

Its interesting - for me Friends was a bit of a breakthrough that finally normalised so many of the social chamges of the past 40 yrs - gay relationships, open attitudes to sex etc etc. But when I watch it now there are bits where I think “well that would bave blown up as a major issue today”. The Richard-Monica relationship. Can you imagine getting that past the censors today? The world has become a lot less colourful and liberal tbh.

The world is illiberal and crippled by woke anxiety. People are not allowed to have their own values anymore, nearly everything is performative bollocks. Comedy is a clear casualty. pull me out of this air crash 

You couldn’t do the drag/trans jokes now and there are often jokes about being mistaken for gay that is played for laughs too that wpodon’t play well. Still stands up if you can get over yourself though

Also, Andie McDowell is unfairly maligned for Gour Wedding imho. Those last line is delivered badly to be sure but you get why he’d fall for her in the rest of the film. 

 She appears pretty wooden throughout  when compared with the rest of the cast.  But she is not helped by the rather opaque character-   we are never given any clue why she is marrying that Scottish bloke she does not like.