Well I guess if you're a civil servant....

.....and decide to abuse your position to defraud the gov to fund your chosen lifestyle, you might as well go for it big time!


"A man who exploited his position at a public authority to create false scholarship documents as part of a Dh40 million fraud has been jailed by an Abu Dhabi court for 25 years.

He was ordered to pay Dh50 million ($13.6 million) by Abu Dhabi Criminal Court after being convicted of money laundering and embezzlement.

He was found to have illegally obtained Dh40 million from an unnamed public body by forging official documents.

The court heard he used the stolen public money to fund a lavish lifestyle, including buying luxury cars, special number plates, jewellery and overseas trips.

“The defendant [was] involved in a case of laundering amounts derived from embezzlement, intentional damage to public funds, forgery and using forged official documents,” Abu Dhabi Judicial Department tweeted on Thursday.

The court ordered the confiscation of all proceeds of the crimes.

Prosecutors stressed the importance of safeguarding public funds and taking all measures to counter such criminal acts."

Christ, imagine if you're sitting in jail on day 1 of 25 years and having to console yourself with "well, at least i had that 'special number plate' on my car".

I hope for his sake he also had plenty of champagne and hookers.

I believe that another way to  get that sentence reduced is to learn to recite the whole of the Holy Koran off by heart to the satisfaction of a judging panel of Islamic scholars.......